Exposing the Latest Vegan Fraudster: “Plant Positive”
Gee, I just love it when some sleazy, lying dogmatic jerk accuses me of being a fringe lunatic out to rip people off…
Gee, I just love it when some sleazy, lying dogmatic jerk accuses me of being a fringe lunatic out to rip people off…
The vegan crowd has gone into movie-making. “Forks and Knives” is the end result and it’s jam-packed full of dubious and unsubstantiated claims.
To say that intermittent fasting (IF) advocate Martin Berkhan took offense to my 2010 article about IF would be a massive understatement. Yours truly addresses the angry Berkhan’s highly misguided criticisms.
The man behind the famous “Shredder” fighting concept speaks! A fascinating and revealing interview with one of the world’s best self-defense instructors.
Six days with one of the best self-defence instructors on the planet.
The science showing zero- and low-carb diets are a disaster for athletes, and the truth behind the competitors who supposedly achieved success on a low-carb diet. All three of them.
Aside from amputation of your limbs, low-carbohydrate diets might just be the quickest and most effective way to destroy your athletic prowess.
Meet the narcissistic, self-centered, sociopathic, dummy-spitting nut-jobs hellbent on making the Internet as inhospitable as possible.
Fred Hahn clearly thinks I’m as dumb as he is; he’s just posted blatant lies that can easily be refuted with a few quick mouse clicks.
In his book “Slow Burn Fitness Revolution”, Fred Hahn makes a number of untenable claims. Matt Schoeneberger M.S. & Jeff Thiboutot M.S explain why you should avoid this book if you’re after factual and scientifically valid training advice.
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