The Adventures of Chris “Razzi” Razwell and Other Assorted Internet Psychos
Meet the narcissistic, self-centered, sociopathic, dummy-spitting nut-jobs hellbent on making the Internet as inhospitable as possible.
Meet the narcissistic, self-centered, sociopathic, dummy-spitting nut-jobs hellbent on making the Internet as inhospitable as possible.
Fred Hahn clearly thinks I’m as dumb as he is; he’s just posted blatant lies that can easily be refuted with a few quick mouse clicks.
In his book “Slow Burn Fitness Revolution”, Fred Hahn makes a number of untenable claims. Matt Schoeneberger M.S. & Jeff Thiboutot M.S explain why you should avoid this book if you’re after factual and scientifically valid training advice.
Dr. Michael Eades proves beyond all doubt he is a shameless liar.
Dr. Michael Eades gets his butt kicked…again!
Germans are wonderful, friendly, highly educated people with a reputation for precision. Except for this bloke.
Die universell akzeptierte sogenannte Lipidhypothese der Herzkrankheit behauptet, dass gesaettigte Fettsaeuren den Blutcholesterinspiegel erhoehen und dass diese Erhoehungen Herzkrankheiten und Hirnschlag verursachen. Seit Jahren sage ich dass diese Theorie Unsinn ist. Und seit Jahren haben mich die tragisch ignoranten Vertreter dieser unhaltbarenn Theorie laecherlich gemacht.
Stupid is as stupid does…
Time for serial bullshitter Dr. Michael Eades and his deluded low-carb cohorts to put up or shut up…
Answer: Fred Hahn is a book author with apparently very fragile self-esteem, a rather unimpressive physique, and a bitter grudge against Yours Truly that is driving him to snipe at me all over the internet.
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