An Interview with Self-Defense Expert, Richard “Senshido” Dimitri
The man behind the famous “Shredder” fighting concept speaks! A fascinating and revealing interview with one of the world’s best self-defense instructors.
The man behind the famous “Shredder” fighting concept speaks! A fascinating and revealing interview with one of the world’s best self-defense instructors.
Six days with one of the best self-defence instructors on the planet.
The science showing zero- and low-carb diets are a disaster for athletes, and the truth behind the competitors who supposedly achieved success on a low-carb diet. All three of them.
Aside from amputation of your limbs, low-carbohydrate diets might just be the quickest and most effective way to destroy your athletic prowess.
Meet the narcissistic, self-centered, sociopathic, dummy-spitting nut-jobs hellbent on making the Internet as inhospitable as possible.
Fred Hahn clearly thinks I’m as dumb as he is; he’s just posted blatant lies that can easily be refuted with a few quick mouse clicks.
In his book “Slow Burn Fitness Revolution”, Fred Hahn makes a number of untenable claims. Matt Schoeneberger M.S. & Jeff Thiboutot M.S explain why you should avoid this book if you’re after factual and scientifically valid training advice.
Whole cereal grains are superior, healthy foods? Yeah, sure…learn why whole grains are among the most overrated foodstuffs in existence.
Intermittent fasting (IF) proponents make all sorts of lavish claims, many of which are complete BS. Discover the real science IF proponents haven’t told you about.
I have read a lot of truly awful health and diet books in my time, but without question, one of the very worst was The China Study by T. Colin Campbell.
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