Cease & Desist Warning to Harley Johnstone a.k.a. “Durianrider”
The following is reprinted for reasons of transparency and public interest. It is a cease and desist warning sent today (20 October 2020) to Harley […]
The following is reprinted for reasons of transparency and public interest. It is a cease and desist warning sent today (20 October 2020) to Harley […]
Harley ‘Durianrider’ Johnstone is still ripping off his fellow cyclists by selling Chinese carbon framesets at highly inflated prices. Today, I’ll reveal to you where you can buy the exact same framesets he’s selling, for hundreds of dollars less!
The Game Changers is a vegan ‘documentary’ that claims to be “Fueled by the Truth.” In reality, it is fueled by pseudoscience, dodgy anecdotes and rampant bias. It is quite possibly the worst nutrition documentary I’ve ever watched – and I’ve watched some stinkers.
Notorious Internet troll Harley Johnstone, a.k.a. Durianrider, has embarked on a shady new business venture: Selling overpriced Chinese bicycle frames to unsuspecting buyers, and asking them to do so in a manner that removes some of their consumer protections.
In June of this year, I was forced to stand criminal trial on the bogus charge of assaulting Harley Johnstone and damaging his bicycle and teeth. Instead of sending me to jail, SAPOL’s case was destroyed in court … and Harley Johnstone was left a crying, blubbering mess. In Part II, I’ll walk you through my arrest, the ten months of madness that ensued, and my two-day trial.
In September 2017, I was arrested by South Australia Police (SAPOL), based on false allegations made by notorious Internet troll Harley “Durianrider” Johnstone. This is part 1 of the story outlining my protracted battle with these two highly dishonest and malevolent entities.
Harley “Durianrider” Johnstone loudly proclaims himself to be a diet and fitness ‘expert.’ In reality, he is a nasty stalker and cyber-bully. Here are six reasons, backed by plenty of evidence, why you should be extremely wary of this abhorrent character.
In March of last year, notorious cyber-bully Harley “Durianrider” Johnstone stepped up his long-running hate campaign against me by falsely claiming I “sucker punched” him whilst he rode his bike up a hill. His former girlfriend, Leanne “Freelee” Ratcliffe, has since come forward and admitted it was all a lie.
Serial sleazeball and Internet troll Harley “Durianrider” Johnstone has just made the news here in Australia, and for all the wrong reasons. After a motorist […]
The cowardly, sleazy Harley “Durianrider” Johnstone, in his latest attempt to defame me, has publicly claimed he has video footage of me punching him in the face while he was riding his bicycle. I will happily hand over $10,000 to Johnstone if he can prove this claim.
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