Melbourne Woman Sets Herself On Fire Inside Car With Sign: “NO ONE CARES, MANDATES R KILLING US”
A distressing incident in a Melbourne suburb last week highlights the destructive psychological toll of Australia’s draconian COVID mandates.
A distressing incident in a Melbourne suburb last week highlights the destructive psychological toll of Australia’s draconian COVID mandates.
My recent string of COVID-19 articles have drawn a lot of interest. Despite their distinctly contrarian stance, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. However, not everyone is enamoured by my attack on the monumental coronavirus con job that is current taking place around the world …
Shady research reports are claiming COVID-19 strips an average of 12-17 years of life from sufferers. This is a blatant lie. In reality, the data shows people with COVID-19 are living every bit as long – if not longer – than people without it.
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