Hey Trolls, Put Your Money Where Your Big Mouths Are
A simple challenge to my haters: Prove your bullshit allegations about me, and I’ll give you lots of money!
A simple challenge to my haters: Prove your bullshit allegations about me, and I’ll give you lots of money!
Cyber-bully and pretend health writer James Fell proudly continues his quest to make a complete ass of himself. And in the process, might just have endowed us with an “alternative” cure for insomnia!
Only two people have written to protest my recent “adrenal fatigue” article: not surprisingly, one was James Fell. The other is someone who exhibits the same narcissistic, self-aggrandizing, authority-revering and proudly ignorant mindset he does. Meet Allison Fall, MD, the Colorado IME doctor routinely rated as “poor” by her patients.
This week’s article is a special 2-for-1 deal: You get a peek inside the mind of a loud-mouthed ignoramus masquerading as a health reporter and you’ll learn the truth about “adrenal fatigue”!
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