The world as we know it is being deliberately self-destructed, with COVID-19 as the excuse.
However, there is nothing to suggest COVID-19 is deadlier than any other flu. CDC figures show the virus is a non-issue in those up to 49 and has an infection fatality rate of less than 0.5% in those 50-69. Even in those 75+, the infection fatality rate is only 5.4%. In other words, even in the most vulnerable age group, 94 of every 100 people who get infected with COVID will survive.
Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html
It is eminently sensible for the elderly, immune-compromised and those with co-morbidities to take extra precautions. But this is the case with any influenza virus. Our political leaders and their health bureaucrats, however, are adamant we must kneecap the global economy and drive people to the brink in order to halt this not-so-deadly 'deadly' virus.
According to these sociopaths, the virus is so ferocious it requires lockdowns that squash human rights, render millions unemployed and force small businesses to the wall. These lockdowns have triggered an increase in self-harm, suicide, substance abuse, depression, anxiety and domestic violence, but to listen to our so-called leaders, it's a largely asymptomatic bug with an infection fatality rate of less than 0.5% that we really need to worry about!
These busybodies feature in an endless parade of alarmist news stories, telling us how dire the threat is and how we must surrender our most basic freedoms without complaint in order to "flatten the curve."
Which begs the question: Why aren't they doing the same? Why are so many of them acting like COVID-19 is a non-issue, while simultaneously telling the rest of us we must stay home and physically distance ourselves even from loved ones?
As you're about to learn, US Democrats are by far the most prolific offenders. This is the same shrill group that has relentlessly scolded Donald Trump for not embracing their irrational approach to COVID-19; the same group whose governors and mayors have introduced the harshest lockdowns in the US. But if Democrats really believe the COVID-19 hysteria, why do they routinely ignore the restrictions they place on others?
The problem is hardly confined to US Democrat politicians, of course. As you're about to learn, COVID-19 hypocrites can be found all over the world. The one thing they all have in common is that they earnestly seem to believe they are entitled to follow a different set of rules from the rest of us.
Either that, or they know full well the COVID-19 hysteria is a monumental sham.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the The Coronavirus Wall of Shame. It's time to meet, in no particular order, The World's Biggest COVID-19 Hypocrites!
Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives)
Nancy Pelosi is the perennially angry, acid-tongued House Speaker who, along with her Democrat colleagues, has vigorously attacked Donald Trump for not taking COVID-19 seriously enough.
The bombastic Pelosi claimed in early September that Trump’s "downplaying" the COVID-19 pandemic in the US was "a historic national tragedy."
She claimed "Trump was fully aware of the catastrophic nature of the coronavirus but hid the facts and refused to take the threat seriously, leaving our entire country exposed and unprepared.”
Wow. Sounds like Pelosi really thinks COVID-19 is bad news.
Which begs the question: Why doesn't she take it seriously?
On 13 April, The Late Late Show host James Corden interviewed Pelosi, asking her where she was and how she was coping. Multimillionaire Pelosi, sitting in her San Francisco mansion in front of two massive shiny fridges that would do any commercial kitchen proud, was "coping pretty well." She had her grandchildren from New York staying with her, you see - even though both New York and California were under lockdowns at the time.
"It is a wonderful opportunity for them that I wish all children would have," she added. Yes, if only all children had a highly influential, string-pulling, multimillionaire grandmother that could help them avoid the draconian restrictions everyone else had to suffer under.
Then on Monday 31 August, shortly before Pelosi made her scathing "national tragedy" comments about Trump, she was infamously caught out violating San Francisco's COVID-19 restrictions.
Pelosi got her hair styled inside a San Francisco hair salon, an apparent violation of the city's COVID-19 safety regulations that enraged the salon's owner.
Pelosi's appointment had been booked with an independent stylist who rented chairs from the salon. The owner of eSalon, Erica Kious, was angry Pelosi had broken the rules requiring such hair treatments to be done outdoors because of the pandemic.
Pelosi was also captured on video walking through the salon without a mask.
Kious described Pelosi's visit as "a slap in the face that she went in, you know, that she feels that she can just go and get her stuff done while no one else can go in, and I can't work."
As one of the most senior politicians in the US (Pelosi has been dubbed "the most powerful woman in America") and a resident of San Francisco, Pelosi should have been more than familiar with the area's COVID-19 requirements. However, when her visit made the news, Pelosi quickly threw the salon under the bus.
First, she pleaded ignorance and claimed she had relied on the interpretation of the stylist about what was allowed by new city regulations. Then Pelosi claimed she had been "set up" by Kious.
"I take responsibility for trusting the word of a neighborhood salon that I've been to over the years, many times, and that when they said we're able to accommodate people, one person at a time, and that we can set up that time, I trusted that. As it turns out, it was a setup. So I take responsibility for falling for a setup," an utterly unrepentant Pelosi said in a statement.
The audacious Democrat even said "I think that they, that this salon owes me an apology for setting up."
Pelosi's "set up" accusation was quickly rebuked by Kious as "absolutely false." Kious told Fox there was "no way" she could have set up Pelosi because it was the speaker's office who had made the Monday appointment with the salon, despite San Francisco coronavirus rules barring indoor hair treatments.
"She had called the stylist, or her assistant did, and made the appointment," Kious said. "So the appointment was already booked. So there was no way I could have set that up. And I've had a camera system in there for five years, I mean I didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in to set her up. So that's absolutely false."
The salon owner went on to claim her business wasn't open, and added that it was "pretty much done" amid ongoing shutdown measures and a fall in demand.
Fox's Tucker Carlson asked her how she felt "about seeing the most powerful woman in America come into your salon in violation of the rules she supports, get caught, and then blame you for it?"
"To be honest, it was more hurtful," Kious said. "She's been coming in for quite a while, and just to see her come in, and especially not wearing the mask, that's what really got to me."
"This isn't even political ... it's the fact that she actually came in and didn't have a mask on. And I just thought about my staff and people not being able to work and make money and provide for their families."
"If she's in there comfortably without a mask and feeling safe, then why are we shut down? Why am I not able to have clients come in?"
Nancy Pelosi: Breaking the same COVID-19 rules her Democrats impose upon the little people ... then blaming the little people for her miscreant behaviour.
But it doesn't end there.
Pelosi was set to host a lavish dinner on 13 November for newly elected House Democrats. Earlier that day, Pelosi had again urged people to heed guidance on “isolation” and “separation.” Pelosi insisted that Congress’s attending physician had given permission for the dinner, said there would be "ventilation" and that the event would be "very spaced." However, a photo posted to Twitter (below) showed what looked very much like typical dinner event spacing. After news of the impending dinner became public and attracted ire, Pelosi turned it into a takeout affair in which members "picked up boxed meals and left."
Pelosi is the quintessential career politician. Her father was a Democrat politician "who doled out favors from their living room in Baltimore’s Little Italy" and her mother was a Democrat activist who maintained her husband's “favor file” and taught her daughter the value of "social networking." Pelosi graduated from Trinity College in Washington DC with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and then went straight into politics. She's never had to hold down a real job in the private sector and she's never had to run a real business.
Pelosi and her fellow Democrats have gained much political mileage from pretending to represent minorities and the underprivileged, but in reality they are a bunch of obscenely wealthy elitists who enjoy extremely privileged lives. With a taxpayer-funded salary of $223,500 per year and an estimated worth of $114 million (as of 2018), Pelosi is one of the wealthiest members of Congress. She lives in a pampered world totally foreign to the average person. At those rarified heights, obeying such trivialities as COVID-19 restrictions is a burden to be borne by the common folk.
Lori Lightfoot (Democrat, Mayor of Chicago)
Like so many politicians, Democrat Lori Lightfoot worked as a lawyer before becoming mayor of Chicago. Lawyers have a reputation for being an arrogant, cold-hearted bunch, and events involving Lightfoot earlier this year did little to rebuke the stereotype.
Lightfoot has been especially vocal about the alleged need to stay at home and practice social distancing. She appeared in a series of “stay home, save lives” advertisements, one of which instructed people not to visit hairdressers or barbers because “getting your roots done is not essential.”
So when it was revealed Lightfoot received a haircut despite salons and barbershops shutting down as a result of the state’s stay-at-home order, many people were understandably ticked off by her blatant hypocrisy.
Lightfoot, however, refused to apologize. Instead, she dug her heels in and became defensive.
When a reporter asked about her glaring double-standard, the shameless Lightfoot became visibly annoyed. “I’m the public face of this city," she retorted. "I’m on national media and I’m out in the public eye."
“I’m a person who, I take my personal hygiene very seriously. As I said, I felt like I needed to have a haircut,” Lightfoot said. “I’m not able to do that myself, so I got a haircut. You want to talk more about that?”
Yes, I'd like to talk more about that, Lori. I'd like you to understand that most people don't give a hoot what you look like - you're a mayor, not a runway model. As for your personal hygiene, no-one's telling you to stop bathing. Keep using deodorant, keep washing your hair, but for heaven's sake, stop being such a bloody hypocrite.
What people really want is leaders who tell the truth and practice what they preach. You, however, vehemently told people to do one thing, then nonchalantly did another.
And when a reporter quizzed you about your hypocritical behaviour, you had the temerity to become indignant!
As Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa tweeted on 6 April:
"Really? She is under no obligation to look good on national TV. She is under no obligation to book national interviews. But she is under an obligation to follow and promote social distancing in order to save lives. This is a bad example for our city."
And to really top it off Lori, around the same time this was going on, your chauffeur drove you around Chicago so you could yell at people to go home whenever you saw crowds! Of one of these incidents, you boasted:
"There were some young folks that were in a garage with the door up, it was a beautiful night, we pulled by and I told the driver, ‘Back up,' rolled down the window and said, ‘Hey, you’re too close. Separate yourself. Social distancing!’"
You continued: "And we heard one person, I won’t repeat the expletive but they said, ‘Oh,’ and you can figure it out. So we had a little fun with it.”
Ah, yes, every bureaucratic busybody's idea of a rollicking good time: Telling other people what to do and ruining someone's "beautiful night."
Lightfoot's hypocrisy isn't confined to mid-lockdown haircuts.
Her double-standards were again highlighted when she joined a crowd celebrating President-elect Joe Biden’s presumptive win on 7 November - before issuing a voluntary stay-at-home advisory on 12 November.
In an interview with MSNBC, Lightfoot defended her choice to join the crowd, saying, “There are times when we actually do need to have relief and come together, and I felt like that was one of those times.”
Yep, when Lightfoot needs to let off some steam, it's perfectly OK for her to ignore the COVID restrictions she demands others follow. But when she sees others doing the same thing, she tells her chauffeur to stop, winds down her window, and starts carrying on like an obnoxious bogan.
Lori Lightfoot: The COVID-19 busybody who happily breaks COVID-19 restrictions for reasons of vanity, all the while driving around like an uncouth yobbo, yelling at people for engaging in the perfectly normal (and psychologically important) act of socializing.
Gretchen Whitmer (Democrat, Governor of Michigan)
On 10 March 2020 the first two "presumptive-positive" cases of COVID-19 were reported in Michigan. That very same day, Michigan's Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, declared a state of emergency across the state. Her declaration warned COVID-19 "can result in serious illness or death ... and can easily spread from person to person."
On 24 March 2020, Whitmer subjected Michigan residents to one of the harshest lockdowns the US has seen. People could leave their house only under limited conditions, such as to exercise or purchase essential items or seek medical help. Brick and mortar businesses were forced to close, unless they provided what Whitmer deemed "critical infrastructure" services.
It seems Whitmer really enjoyed making such demands. Between 10 March and 31 July, Whitmer issued a whopping 140 executive orders telling Michigan residents what they could and couldn't do.
In May, Whitmer made headlines after it was revealed her husband, Marc Mallory, asked a dock owner to get the family's boat out on the water before Memorial Day weekend. Whitmer and her husband own a holiday property about 25 minutes from the coastal town of Traverse City. This could only mean Whitmer and her family were planning to take a trip to the area from their home in Lansing, over 150 miles away.
Which was extremely hypocritical of them. Because on 18 May, after lifting some of the draconian restrictions on northern Lower Michigan and the Upper Peninsula ahead of the Memorial Day weekend, Whitmer strongly discouraged out-of-towners from visiting the areas.
"If you don't live in these regions ... think long and hard before you take a trip into them," Whitmer said at the press conference.
"A small spike could put the hospital system in dire straits pretty quickly," she added later. "That's precisely why we're asking everyone to continue doing their part. Don't descend on Traverse City from all regions of the state."
However, Whitmer and Mallory evidently felt no obligation to "do their part" - that was a burden to be borne by the lowly common folk.
Mallory's request came to light after the owner of NorthShore Dock LLC, Tad Dowker, shared it on Facebook.
"This morning, I was out working when the office called me, there was a gentleman on hold who wanted his boat in the water before the weekend," Dowker posted. "Being Memorial weekend and the fact we started working three weeks late means there is no chance this is going to happen."
"Well our office personnel had explained this to the man and he replied, 'I am the husband to the governor, will this make a difference?'"
“As you can imagine, it does make a difference, that would put you to the back of the line!!! Needless to say, our Governor and her husband will not be getting their boat for memorial day."[sic]
Tad, you're a champion. Someone buy this man a beer!
Republican state Senator Tom Barrett (R-Charlotte) noted to the Detroit News that Whitmer had urged state residents not to flock to Traverse City. “Yet, what did her family try and do?"
“In the Army, we have a tradition that the leaders get in line for chow last behind everyone else in the unit,” he said. “Here is the leader of our state ... Her family is trying to cut people in line.”
Whitmer's spokeswoman initially tried to dismiss the revelation, stating "we’re not going to make it a practice of addressing every rumor that is spread online."
Whitmer later confirmed the request, but offered the extremely unconvincing excuse that her husband was merely joking when he rang NorthShore Dock. "He thought it might get a laugh," Whitmer said of her dentist husband.
Sure thing, Grechen.
Drew Dilkens (Mayor of Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
Directly across the river from Detroit, Michigan sits the city of Windsor, in southwestern Ontario, Canada. The mayor of Windsor is a guy called Drew Dilkens, a former cop and lawyer.
Cop, lawyer, politician - when it comes to professions, that's pretty much the (un)holy trifecta of hypocrisy and sociopathy.
And Dilkens is true to form. His website's "News" page is replete with announcements about the need to "limit the community spread of COVID-19" and urging residents to "follow the advice of public health experts." Here's a statement he issued on 20 November:
The same week he issued the above statement, Dilkens nonchalantly dined in a restaurant with seven other people. CBC News was made aware of the incident after it was sent a photo of the dinner group that was posted to Instagram.
At the time, Windsor was in the yellow tier of Ontario’s COVID-19 restrictions system. The yellow tier permits only six people to dine together while inside a restaurant.
Dilkens (far right), and his dining companions.
Just hours earlier, Dilkens was among mayors from the region who called for a "zero tolerance approach" when it comes to enforcement of COVID-19 regulations.
And during a 18 November Zoom meeting of Windsor-Essex mayors, a tough-talking Dilkens declared “The time to educate is over.”
"Beginning right away,” Dilkens said. “We agreed that enforcement blitzes will be coming, and that charges will be laid to those who violate these important public health rules."
Turns out the rules didn't apply to Dilkens. He was not charged or fined for his clear breach of the yellow tier restrictions.
Dilkens made a statement to Windsor city council on Monday, saying he made an “unfortunate error” that "should not have occurred."
While Dilkens was not fined or issued a bylaw ticket, he said he would donate $750 — the minimum fine for such an infraction — to the Windsor Goodfellows. It should be noted that, unlike fines, charitable donations are tax deductible.
As one internet commentator observed: "Do as we say ... Not as we do. Rules are for the masses ... Not the special people and the rich."
Andrew Cuomo (Democrat, Governor of New York)
Like Anthony Fauci, Andrew Cuomo has been such a constant presence in coronavirus-related news reports that even people as far away as Australia know who he is: "Andrew Co-mo? Yeah, he's that guv'na bloke from New York!"
It seems the constant media attention has gone to Cuomo's head: In October he released a book titled American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, in which he lauded his own handling of the crisis despite the fact New York leads all US states in deaths.
And, confirming that COVID-19 hysteria is more about theater than valid science, Cuomo was further lauded by his liberal buddies in the entertainment industry when they gave him an Emmy Award. Seriously: On 23 November, he received an “International Emmy Founders Award” for his more than 100 televised briefings at the height of the pandemic.
As the New York Republican Party stated, “Andrew Cuomo doesn’t need an Emmy, he needs a reality check.”
As Cuomo's ego grows even bigger, so too does criticism of the way he's handled the COVID-19 situation. Many critics remain incensed by his 25 March directive that required nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients released from hospital.
You have to admit, that does sound like a monumentally stupid idea considering it was known from the outset that elderly folks were most vulnerable to COVID-19.
Cuomo also imposed harsh lockdowns on New York, but the accumulating research casting doubt on the efficacy of stay-at-home directives also suggests his self-congratulation is way premature.
Despite the mounting evidence that lockdowns don't work, Cuomo went ahead and imposed another draconian round of restrictions on 11 November. He imposed a 10 pm curfew on restaurants, bars and gyms statewide, claiming that these were the "three main areas" cases were coming from. "You know where it's going; stop it before it gets there," he said. "And you know where it's going by following the science."
Apparently, the "science" shows COVID-19 is a largely nocturnal virus, which really gets rockin' from 10:01 pm onwards. The "science," apparently, shows the best way to handle this is to take people who would normally hit the gyms at quieter hours, and force them to train at busier times.
Just brilliant.
Little wonder New Yorkers are getting fed up with this clown. Businesses, faced with impending financial ruin, have started to defy Cuomo's anti-small business orders. When Staten Island bar owner Danny Presti was arrested last week for opening in defiance of Cuomo's dictates, hundreds of people waving American flags gathered outside his bar, chanting "Cuomo sucks! Cuomo sucks!"
Cuomo's staggering arrogance reached even greater heights when, three days before receiving his absurd Emmy prize, he attacked NY police who refused to enforce his tyrannical orders, insinuating they were not true law enforcement officers.
Actually, they're true Americans who respect the country's Constitution and Bill of Rights, unlike a certain Mussolini wannabe who thinks human rights are optional extras to be granted and then removed at whim by him and his autocratic ilk.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't real law enforcement officers supposed to pursue real criminals, instead of going all Stasi on innocent citizens?
The real cracker came during a radio interview on the same day he received his Emmy. Perhaps on a high from having his ego so vigorously stroked by Hollywood, Cuomo momentarily dropped his guard during the call. In an offhand answer to a question about the upcoming holiday, Cuomo said he had invited his 89-year-old mother, Matilda, and two of his daughters to celebrate a "very Cuomo" Thanksgiving with him in Albany.
For those of you unfamiliar with the geography of Noo Yawk, Albany sits some 240km north of NYC.
And so while Cuomo preached a message of sacrifice, warning New Yorkers that Thanksgiving gatherings could be dangerous as virus cases "spike" across the nation, he himself was planning to bring his daughters and elderly mother to Albany, which is almost a 3-hour drive from the Big Apple.
That same day, before his interview, Cuomo told a news conference NYC’s mayoral candidates “should be setting the highest standards and they certainly shouldn’t be breaking the law.” He also made an impassioned plea to his state’s residents that this was “not a normal Thanksgiving.”
In the face of immediate and widespread outrage at his hypocrisy, Cuomo quickly backtracked. By that same evening, Cuomo announced he'd changed his plans and would no longer be having Thanksgiving dinner with his mother and daughters. His office embraced the Grechen Whitmer approach to damage control, claiming Cuomo’s initial words were "a well-meaning fib" told — via the radio — to his mother.
Give me a break.
A trademark act of Cuomo hypocrisy is to bang on and on about the importance of wearing masks - and then be repeatedly spotted not wearing a mask.
"There should be a national mask mandate," Cuomo tweeted on 23 July.
In a 4 May press briefing, Cuomo said "You could literally kill someone, you could literally kill someone because you didn't want to wear a mask. I mean how, how cruel and irresponsible would that be?"
Turns out Cuomo has repeatedly tried to find out. Since his 4 May address, when he made his impassioned wear-a-mask plea and screwed his face up for dramatic effect, the Governor has been photographed numerous times not wearing a mask.
The only thing bigger than Andrew Cuomo's ego is his hypocrisy. It's gigantic.
Chris Cuomo (CNN Anchor)
Andrew Cuomo is by no means the only obnoxious hypocrite in his family. His younger brother, Christopher Charles Cuomo, also possesses an extra compliment of the shameless hypocrite gene. The younger Cuomo, best known as the presenter of CNN's Cuomo Prime Time, was caught out earlier this year after contracting COVID-19 and breaking his quarantine. On Tuesday 31 March 2020, Cuomo announced he'd just tested positive for the virus and would be broadcasting his show from his basement at home. He also said he would quarantine in his basement for the duration of the illness to avoid infecting his wife and kids.
The next day, Cuomo began broadcasting from his basement and, for the next few weeks, a big part of his message was that the rest of us must make the noble sacrifice he was making: Stay home so you don’t infect others.
On Easter Sunday 12 April (13 days later), Cuomo - still sick and therefore infectious with the 'deadly' coronavirus - was caught red-handed violating his quarantine with his wife and kids. The family drove to an East Hampton property the CNN anchor bought in 2019.
Cuomo probably would have gotten away with his quarantine-breaking jaunt if not for an observant cyclist named 'David' who noticed Cuomo, his wife and three kids, and another woman "playing around" on the property.
“I just looked and said, ‘Is that Chris Cuomo? Isn’t he supposed to be quarantined?'” said David.
David said the woman who looked like Cuomo’s wife came over to him and said, “May I help you?” David asked her why Cuomo was out of quarantine and not social-distancing from the group. Cuomo then started toward him, coming to within about 40 feet.
“He said, ‘Who the hell are you?! I can do what I want!'” David said. “He just ranted, screaming, ‘I’ll find out who you are!’"
“I said to him, ‘Your brother is the coronavirus czar, and you’re not even following his rules — unnecessary travel,'” David, a nearby resident, said. “He just began to boil more."
The following Monday, David reported the incident to East Hampton police. Cuomo, meanwhile, launched into an angry tirade on his SiriusXM show that night calling the cyclist a "jackass, loser" and that one big downside to money and fame is that he couldn’t tell the guy to “go to hell.”
“I don’t want some jackass, loser, fat-tire biker being able to pull over and get in my space and talk bulls–t to me, I don’t want to hear it,” Cuomo raged. “I want to be able to tell you to go to hell, to shut your mouth … I don’t get that doing what I do for a living: me being able to tell you to shut your mouth or I will do you the way you guys do each other.”
Cuomo thereby confirmed the Easter Sunday confrontation, but did not mention he was thirty miles from home when it happened. The audacious anchor even falsely claimed a month later that he was accosted by a "trespasser" after a post-quarantine visit to his property.
Cuomo's temper tantrums and disingenuous denials didn't stop others from becoming disgusted at his behaviour. As news of his quarantine violation spread, Cuomo and whatever brains trust he consulted decided the best solution would be to concoct a phony quarantine "exit" video. Saying the CDC had finally cleared him to end his quarantine, Cuomo staged his now infamous "Jesus" video. On 20 April (21 days after testing positive), CNN aired Cuomo’s phony exit from his basement, as though it were the first time he'd emerged after three long, gruelling, self-sacrificial weeks. Cuomo even feigned difficulty climbing the stairs and pretended to wipe sweat from his brow for extra dramatic effect. His farcical performance was roundly called out for the utter sham it was.
On 16 April, Cuomo’s wife tested positive for COVID-19; on 23 April his 14-year-old son also tested positive.
Cuomo's anti-social behaviour is hardly confined to breaking quarantine and angrily mouthing off at those who catch him out. Like big brother Andrew, Chris Cuomo also loves to wail on about the importance of wearing masks - while he himself publicly struts around maskless.
As this video shows, Cuomo repeatedly and emphatically cajoles others to embrace the faceless New World Order under the guise of protecting each other:
"Put on the damn mask ... I wear a mask as much as for you as much as for me ... You need to wear a damn mask. And you have to take care of other people in your community and it's gotta be about us."
In October, Cuomo even slammed President Trump’s appearances without a mask while recovering from the virus. Cumo ranted, "I'm floored that after what he has lived, he's insisting on making more people sick."
Wow. Cuomo really needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror, and then have a bloody good chat with himself.
Because in August, the management at Cuomo’s Manhattan apartment building sent him a letter, obtained by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight, warning him for repeatedly violating his brother's mask order, and threatened him with a $500 fine.
“You have been observed entering and exiting the building and riding the elevator without the required face coverings,” reads part of the 6 August 2020 letter.
“Even though staff members have asked you to comply with this requirement, you have refused to do so. This is a violation of the Executive Order, building policy, and places other residents and our staff at risk. There are no exceptions to this rule, and you are required to comply.”
Here's Cuomo getting a haircut with no mask on:
The sanctimonious hypocrite was also spotted in October at a private members club in downtown New York City "shaking hands and greeting people without a mask," despite the ongoing coronavirus hysteria.
"He was not social distancing and was walking around indoors, shaking hands and greeting people without a mask. He was just hanging with Brooke Shields' husband. It's a double standard when his brother is attacking the restaurant industry and implementing all these senseless rules," a source told the New York Post. Another source claimed the anchor was "acting like he was mayor" when not seated.
Chris Cuomo is an utter disgrace - or, to use his own vernacular, a "jackass, loser" whose hypocrisy and shamelessness know no bounds. He needs to shut his "damn" mouth and stop shaming people into wearing masks when he himself clearly thinks they are worthless. And he desperately needs some acting lessons - his "Jesus has risen from the dead" video will go down in history as one of 2020's most atrocious pieces of cinematography.
Gavin Newsom (Democrat, Governor of California)
Gavin Newsom was the first governor in the US to issue a stay-at-home order (on March 19) and has been quite militant in imposing COVID-19 restrictions ever since. Orders he gave in October stipulated individuals could only "remove their face coverings briefly to eat or drink."
The California state guidelines for social gatherings also unequivocally state: "Gatherings that include more than 3 households are prohibited. This includes everyone present, including hosts and guests. Remember, the smaller the number of people, the safer." [Bold emphasis in original text]
So what did Newsom do after these harsh restrictions were imposed?
Why, of course, he flippantly disregarded them - and in style!
When the San Francisco Chronicle revealed Newsom attended a birthday party at a "spectacularly expensive" restaurant in early November that included people from several households, the hypocritical governor first tried to downplay the incident.
His communications director said in a statement that Newsom and his wife “followed public health guidelines and the restaurant’s health protocols — all in line with the state’s rules for restaurant operation.”
Except they didn't.
After The Chronicle published a story online about the dinner, Newsom issued an additional statement acknowledging that attending the party was an error in judgment. But he stuck with his office's claim that the dinner was held outdoors.
That last remaining defense came unstuck when Fox 11 LA obtained two photos of Newsom at the 6 November party, one of which showed at least part of the gathering was actually held indoors. A witness who took the photos told Fox 11 LA that Newsom's group was so loud, "the sliding doors had to be closed."
"While we were there we realized there was a very loud party going on in a room 20 feet from us. It was a bit annoying since you’re spending hard-earned money to go there."
She said, "It got louder and louder and so they had some sliding glass doors that they were able to close, so then it was a closed-off room but you could still hear them with how loud they were."
"I just happened to look over and realize hey is that Gavin Newsom, who is that? And I did ask one of the waitresses and she confirmed it was, so I was able to take a couple of photos, I was able to document this especially since nobody was wearing a mask. It was a very large group of people shoulder to shoulder, something that he’s always telling us not to do," the woman said.
The LA Times reports the birthday boy, Jason Kinney, 50, is "a longtime political operative who bounces back and forth between government, political campaigns ... and lobbying." His firm’s biggest client is Marathon Petroleum, which, according to Politico, “is a member of a powerful oil industry organization that battled proposals to ban hydraulic fracturing.”
The lobbyist’s birthday party took place in a courtyard at the French Laundry, an "iconic and spectacularly expensive" restaurant in Yountville, a tiny town in the northern Napa Valley. The French Laundry is one of the most expensive restaurants in California, with reservations hard to get.
Twelve people attended, including the governor and his wife.
As if all this wasn't bad enough, California Medical Association officials were among the guests accompanying Newsom at Kinney’s opulent birthday dinner. CMA CEO Dustin Corcoran and top CMA lobbyist Janus Norman both joined the dinner. In what smells like a coordinated response with Newsom's office, spokesperson for the CMA, Anthony York, said in a statement that "the dinner was held in accordance with state and county guidelines."
We all know that's bullshit.
As San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, a Republican considering challenging Newsom in 2022, tweeted:
“He can celebrate birthday parties. But you can’t. He can dine on a $350 meal at one [of] California’s fanciest restaurants during the worst recession in generations. But you definitely can’t. Can you believe this? I can’t.”
Actually, $350 is a conservative estimate. A Napa County tourist guide advises diners to be prepared to spend $1,000 on dinner for two.
Newsom's attempt at damage control consisted of what LA Times writer Robin Abcarian described as "one of the most abject non-adultery-related apologies in recent political history." As part of his pathetic attempt to say sorry, Newsom proffered "We’re all human, we all fall short sometimes ... When that happens, you got to pay the price."
But apart from his exorbitant dinner bill at the fancy French Laundry, the only price Newsom has paid so far is having to go into damage control mode, not exactly unfamiliar territory for most politicians. Unlike civilians caught breaching the harsh COVID restrictions, Newsom was not fined for flouting his own rules. And unlike the hordes of Californians who, through no fault of their own, lost their jobs and businesses, Newsom gets to keep his role as the highest-paid governor in the US (fellow hypocrite Andrew Cuomo comes in at second).
Gavin Newsom: A wealthy, elitist overpaid Democrat who, even after caught violating the COVID-19 restrictions he imposed upon the public, gets to remain a wealthy, elitist overpaid Democrat.
Don't you just love how the world works?
London Breed (Democrat, Mayor of San Francisco)
It turns out Newsom wasn’t the only Democrat elitist to party at The French Laundry while the plebs were urged to stay home.
San Francisco Mayor London Breed, 46, dined at the French Laundry the night after Newsom infamously attended his lobbyist buddy's party at the three-star Michelin restaurant.
Breed joined seven others the night of 7 November to celebrate socialite Gorretti Lo Lui’s 60th birthday, her spokesman Jeff Cretan confirmed. The party of eight dined in the same kind of partially enclosed room with a ceiling and chandelier as Newsom did — making it more of an indoor dining experience than an outdoor one.
It’s unclear exactly who else attended and how many households the group included, although Han Li, a reporter for a Chinese-language newspaper in San Francisco, tweeted that Lui told him the dinner involved three households.
But even if no laws were technically broken, her attendance at the dinner starkly contrasts with her public stance on COVID-19. San Francisco issued a state of emergency due to COVID-19 in February 2020, before the federal government suggested doing so, becoming one of the first American cities to go into lockdown.
Three days after dining at the French Laundry, but before her soiree became public, Breed banned indoor dining in San Francisco altogether. “I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that everyone act responsibly to reduce the spread of the virus,” she said in a 10 November statement. “Every San Franciscan needs to do their part so that we can start moving in the right direction again.”
The Breed story was broken by San Francisco Chronicle's Heather Knight. As Knight noted, "Breed’s dinner at an opulent restaurant — amid an economic catastrophe that’s shuttered countless small businesses and stretched the lines at local food banks to new lengths — might not have technically violated the rules, but it isn’t a great look."
Days after the revelation became public knowledge, Breed issued the obligatory statement of regret, saying it was “fair” to be criticized for contradicting her messaging on social gatherings. “It doesn’t matter whether something is technically allowed or not — I need to hold myself to a higher standard and I will do better,” she said on Twitter.
Sam Liccardo (Democrat, Mayor of San Jose, California)
Another Cali Democrat who kinda sorta "forgot" to follow the family gathering limits was San Jose mayor, Sam Liccardo.
Just one day prior to attending his family Thanksgiving celebration, Liccardo urged his more than 33,000 Twitter followers to cancel "big gatherings this year" and noted the importance of following safety protocols, even with friends and family.
"Cases are spiking," he wrote. "We're letting our guard (and masks) down with family and friends."
And so, in true hypocrite fashion, Liccardo let his guard down and had a big Thanksgiving gathering with family. Despite the state guidelines emphatically stipulating only three different households may gather together at one time while outside, the Liccardo gathering featured relatives from five different households.
Initially, when pressed by NBC for details about the dinner, including the number of guests and households present, Liccardo's Chief of Staff described the gathering as a "private event" and declined to offer any further specifics.
When the matter showed no sign of going away, Liccardo then released a rambling statement in which he insisted the five families "sat around three distanced tables in our own family groups on the back patio, and we wore masks when not eating."
Which didn't change anything, of course. Five different families sitting on the same back patio was still a clear violation of the rules Liccardo was cajoling everyone else to follow.
And so out came the token apology. "I apologize for my decision to gather contrary to state rules," he said, "by attending this Thanksgiving meal with my family. I understand my obligation as a public official to provide exemplary compliance with the public health orders, and certainly not to ignore them. I commit to do better."
And I commit to not swearing out loud every time I hear one of these jokers offer these unconvincing apologies, which they deliver only after getting caught and after initially hoping the matter will die down and go away.
Ralph Northam (Democrat, Governor of Virginia)
Unlike so many of his political comrades, Northam is not a lawyer but a physician. That doesn't mean he's any less of a hypocrite. He has urged social distancing, specifically to stay at least six feet apart from others in public. In late May he also announced an indoor mask mandate.
The following weekend, on Sunday 24 May, Northam showed just how deeply he believed in such measures by going to the beach and repeatedly ignoring them.
In photos that appeared on social media, Northam was seen maskless and mingling with visitors in Virginia Beach. One photo showed Northam standing elbow-to-elbow with a group of three people as they posed for a picture at the shore. In another, he was taking a selfie with a woman. In another, he appeared to be on the crowded beach boardwalk.
Northam’s office offered the extremely lame excuse that he was not expecting to get close to anyone, but people recognized him and wanted to take pictures. Spokeswoman Alena Yarmosky said, “He was outside yesterday and not expecting to be within six feet of anyone."
Right. Because the last thing you would ever expect when you go to a popular beach resort on a sunny day is for people to come within six feet of you.
But wait, it gets even more absurd. According to Yarmosky, Northam traveled to the beach “to make sure beach rules were being enforced.”
And we all know the best way to make sure rules are being enforced is to repeatedly and fragrantly break them.
Physician, heal check thyself.
Neil Ferguson (former Senior COVID-19 Advisor to UK Government) and Antonia Staats (Senior Campaigner at Avvaz.org)
Until May this year, Neil Ferguson was one of the chief architects of the UK government's stay-at-home strategy and a prominent member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), which spearheads the UK's coronavirus response.
As head author of the shamelessly alarmist 16 March 2020 Imperial College-WHO report predicting rampant death and mayhem, Ferguson was instrumental in igniting the world’s monumentally destructive response to COVID-19. In their spectacularly inaccurate paper, he and his co-authors predicted that, by August 2020, the novel virus would kill 2.2 million in the US and 510,000 people in the UK unless drastic lockdowns were imposed.
So you'd think Freguson would take COVID-19 pretty seriously. But he didn't.
On Tuesday 5 May 2020, he resigned after it was revealed he had broken social distancing rules to meet his married lover, leftist campaigner Antonia Staats.
Ferguson, 51, allowed Staats, 38, to visit him at home during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing to halt the spread of the deadly virus.
The first of Staat's visits, on Monday 30 March, coincided with a public warning by Ferguson that the one-week-old lockdown measures would have to remain until June.
She made a second visit on 8 April despite telling friends she suspected her husband, an academic in his 30s, had symptoms of COVID-19.
Ferguson is understood to be living apart from his wife Kim, 54. They married in 2004 and have a teenage son. His estranged wife lives in a £1 million townhouse (jointly owned with Ferguson) in the fashionable Jericho district of Oxford, an area beloved of the town’s liberal elite.
Staats is married to an academic in his 30s who works at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, where she gained a masters in Asian politics. She lives with him and their two children at a £1.9 million home.
The couple are understood to be in an open marriage - not a very COVID-preventive arrangement.
Her and "Lockdown, Pants Down, Steps Down" Fergusson met on the online dating site OKCupid.
The German-born Staats is a senior campaigner for US-based online network Avaaz, a petition website backed by George Soros (along with Sum of Us). Two weeks before the UK was plunged into lockdown, Staats and her left-wing colleagues implored the general public: "Stay at home." Everyone, the group declared, should "avoid unnecessary close contact and stay at home when we can." More than half-a-million signed up to the online pledge.
Neither Ferguson or Staats were issued with penalties, even though flouting lockdown rules can be punished with a fine or even arrest. While Scotland Yard criticised Prof Ferguson’s behaviour as ‘disappointing’, a spokesman said he had ‘taken responsibility’ by standing down from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, which is advising Ministers on the pandemic.
Staats reportedly told friends she did not believe her and Ferguson's actions to be hypocritical as she considered their separate households to be one.
Ferguson and Staats, like so many other pampered left-wing elitists, earnestly seem to believe they are entitled to follow a different set of rules than the rest of us.
Dominic Cummings (former Chief Advisor to UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson)
The homeless-looking guy above is in fact Boris Johnson's former right hand man, Dominic Cummings. Until 13 November, Cummings was a chief advisor to Johnson, and played a key role in ushering in UK's lockdowns. Cummings sat in on SAGE meetings, along with Neil "I'm Too Sexy For this Lockdown" Ferguson.
According to two participants in a SAGE meeting of 18 March, Cummings asked why a lockdown was not being imposed sooner, swayed the discussion toward faster action, and made clear he thought pubs and restaurants should be closed within two days. They then were.
But then came the news that, in late March, Cummings had broken lockdown rules by travelling to Durham, 264 miles (425 km) from his usual residence in London.
After the revelation was published by the Daily Mirror and The Guardian on 22 May, Cummings offered up a highly creative explanation.
On 27 March 2020, he says, he received a call from his wife to say she was feeling ill. Later that day, the couple discussed her health and concluded she might have COVID-19, even though she was not displaying the symptoms at the time.
They were both worried they would become too weak to look after their four-year-old son if he became ill as well. And so, to self-isolate, he didn't stay at a nearby hotel. Nope, he instead jumped in his car and drove over 400 km to stay at a house on his parents' farm in Durham.
As you do.
But, alas, it was too late, says Cummings. On 28 March he woke up with what were "clearly" COVID-19 symptoms, which he claims were so debilitating he barely left his bed over the following days.
It should be noted that, while 10 Downing Street issued a statement on 30 March that Cummings was self-isolating with COVID-19 "symptoms," no medical evidence has ever been tendered to show he was actually infected with the virus.
Cummings went on to say that on 2 April, his son became ill and was taken to hospital by ambulance and tested for COVID-19 (the test results were negative). Cummings said he was too ill to go to the hospital but his wife went by ambulance and he collected them by car the next day, but did not get out of the car.
He then claimed that on 12 April, which just happened to be Easter Day, he was well enough to return to London. Which brings us to the biggest pearler of all: Cummings claims his wife was concerned about his eyesight, and therefore his ability to do the big drive. But instead of getting her to drive, Cummings says he drove the family to the town of Barnard Castle (30 miles away) to assess whether his eyesight was up to scratch.
Because everyone knows the best thing to do when you're worried about your vision is to pile your loved ones into a 1500kg missile, then commandeer it at 100km/h on public roadways!
Not surprisingly, a lot of people thought Cummings' explanation was utter bollocks.
Not only had the trip to Barnard Castle taken place on Easter Sunday, it was also his wife's birthday.
Cummings was also accused of making a second trip, after a passerby claimed to have seen him in Houghall bluebell woods near Durham on 19 April.
Despite the growing furore, Boris Johnson stood by his right hand man, claiming on 24 May that Cummings had acted "responsibly, legally and with integrity."
This, of course, merely added fuel to the fire as it became abundantly clear two sets of standards were at play: One for the public, another for politicians.
The whole debacle seemed like something out of Are You Being Served. As one of my beloved UK readers quipped, "A more British farce you could not invent. " However, it was not until November that Cummings finally stepped down.
Cummings' worries may not be over yet. While police said they would not fine or prosecute him, a former crown prosecutor has sent authorities a dossier accusing Cummings of breaking coronavirus laws and perverting the course of justice. Lawyers acting for Nazir Afzal OBE, the former chief crown prosecutor for northwest England, said there was evidence of six offences under the Health Protection Regulations for Cummings and three for his wife, his wife, Spectator editor Mary Wakefield.
Afzal’s lawyers alleged that some of his assertions were inconsistent with accounts obtained from witnesses, and called for police to check CCTV, location data and traffic cameras. New witness statements and other material was sent to the director of public prosecutions, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and police.
Afzal, whose brother died with coronavirus earlier this year, accused Durham Constabulary of carrying out a “cursory and incomplete” initial investigation. “Whilst tens of thousands of families, including mine, were struggling to mourn their loved ones, Mr Cummings was allegedly travelling the country with no consideration of the consequences,” he said.
“It is now a matter for the police and CPS to decide whether to take this forward. There is a perception currently that the law isn’t being applied equally and the poorest, most vulnerable and least powerful of our citizens are those that suffer. We will watch with great interest.”
So will I. But I won't hold my breath. When you're best buddies with the Prime Minister, you get used to breaking rules without consequence.
Margaret Ferrier (Scottish National Party MP)
After Cummings breached the COVID restrictions for which he had emphatically lobbied, Scottish National Party MP Margaret Ferrier was among the many who called for his resignation.
"Dominic Cummings’ actions," she said, "have undermined the sacrifices that we have all been making in lockdown to protect each other from coronavirus."
"His position is untenable and he must be removed from his post now."
"The fact that Boris Johnson and senior Tories have backed Dominic Cummings, in the face of widespread and understandable public anger, demonstrates a total failure of leadership at a time of national crisis."
“The public health advice is crystal clear. For the safety of others, anyone with coronavirus symptoms must self-isolate, in line with government guidance. They should not leave the house for any reason."
But when Ferrier herself subsequently displayed symptoms of COVID-19, what did she do?
Yessir, on Saturday 26 September, Ferrier, 60, experienced COVID-19 symptoms and requested a test.
On Monday 28 September, while still waiting for the test results, Ferrier boarded a train from Glasgow to London.
Ferrier spoke in the House of Commons later that day, during a "General debate on Covid-19" and received her test result hours later.
She tested positive.
Which did not deter her, the very next day, from making the 400-mile train journey again to return home to Scotland.
Police and the House of Commons are now investigating her actions and the Scottish National Party has suspended her.
In her obligatory apology, Ferrier said of her decision to travel after testing positive for COVID-19, "This was wrong, and I am very sorry for my mistake."
She says she's very sorry, but evidently not sorry enough to resign - even though that is what she adamantly insisted of Cummings.
Defending her refusal to step down, Ferrier claimed the virus had caused her to “act out of character.”
The hopelessly hypocritical MP said her actions could be explained by the fact she was “not thinking straight” due to the coronavirus.
Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross accused her of displaying a “stunning lack of self-awareness”, describing her excuses as “mortifying and shameless.”
He's right, you know. Margaret Ferrier is a shameless hypocrite.
Nicola Spurrier (Chief Health Officer of South Australia)
Out of nowhere, on the afternoon of Wednesday 18 November, the South Australian government announced that from midnight that evening, South Australians would be under a full lockdown. It was one of the most draconian lockdowns the world had yet seen - people could not even leave the house to exercise or even to take their pets for a walk. For pet owners living in apartments and townhouses, this not only heralded a huge loss of freedom but also a very smelly and sticky time ahead.
Nicola Spurrier, SA's Chief Health Officer, claimed the inhumane restrictions were necessary because a new "sneaky," "fourth generation," "super-strain" of COVID-19 had broken out in the state. She offered no scientific evidence for her claims, because they were complete nonsense. Interstate experts quickly debunked Spurrier's claims for the pseudoscientific hogwash that they were.
According to her Flinders University bio, Spurrier is qualified as a physician and pediatrician, but appears to have spent most of her career working in SA government health policy and promotion. In other words, she's a career bureaucrat, not a scientific expert.
Despite her PR experience, Spurrier and her partners-in-crime Premier Steven Marshall and SA Police Commissioner Grant Stevens evidently hadn't foreseen their antics attracting harsh denunciation all around the world.
In the face of criticism from expert virologists and global criticism of the inhumane lockdown conditions, the non-scientific trio of Spurrier, Marshall and Stevens quickly backtracked. They eased the restrictions, using the utterly illogical excuse they had just learned a Spanish national lied to contract tracers, saying he was a customer at a pizza bar when he in fact worked there. Despite this making no meaningful difference to anything, the lockdown conditions were eased and the growing outcry was defused.
But Spurrier would not let up with her pseudoscience. She insisted a "second wave" had been averted but warned the "sneaky" virus was still on the loose. South Australians, she said, should be extra vigilant and remain on high alert.
A week later, on 27 November, Spurrier and a couple of assistants stood in the Adelaide CBD's Rundle Mall handing out masks to Black Friday shoppers. The video below shows that, as they did so, they repeatedly breached the social distancing guidelines the SA Government preaches and for which it has harshly fined others for breaching.
7News reported Spurrier received "rock star treatment" during her hypocritical publicity jaunt in the Mall. However, near the start of the video, an unimpressed young lady is seen shunning Spurrier's unsolicited offer of a mask. In true Aussie bureaucrat fashion, instead of respecting the girl's wishes and leaving her alone, Spurrier follows her and pesters her to take a mask. During the interaction, Spurrier can be seen persistently breaching the girl's social distancing space.
Along with physical distancing, "Saint Nicola" and her fellow busybodies insist we practice 'proper' mask hygiene, which includes not touching the mask during use, lest our fingers become infected with the bogeyman COVID-19, which could then be transferred onto the mask. Yet at around 0:38, we see her helping a stranger put his mask on, repeatedly touching both his face and mask as she does so. What if Nicola's hands or the man's face had some of that "sneaky", "fourth generation," "super strain" COVID she rambled on about when trying to justify her Stalinist lockdown?
Nicola "Spurious" Spurrier: One minute she's saying COVID-19 is so deadly it requires a totalitarian lockdown, the next she's touching the face and mask of a total stranger.
So the question is: Does Spurrier really believe her hyperbolic COVID-19 claims? Or does she know full well they're a load of nonsense?
Her Black Friday behaviour, in which she happily wandered into a busy shopping precinct and repeatedly breached key social distancing tenets, would suggest the latter.
David Clark (New Zealand Health Minister)
In a rare display of political honesty, New Zealand Health Minister David Clark called himself an “idiot” back in April after he violated the country’s lockdown to visit the beach. After New Zealand went into its highest state of lockdown (level four), Clark drove his family from their home in Dunedin to Doctor's Point beach.
Clark admitted the 12-mile (20km) drive was "a clear breach of the lockdown principles."
Clark admitted the trip to NZ Prime Minister Jacinta Ardern after being criticized for another breach of the rules. On 2 April, he drove a shorter distance to a mountain bike trail - and his van, featuring a picture of himself on the side, was photographed at the trail.
NZ Health Minister David Clark's van at the carpark of a Dunedin mountain bike park, on Thursday 2 April, a week into a full scale lockdown of New Zealand.
"People can go outside to get fresh air and drive short distances if needed, but we have asked people to avoid activities where there is a higher risk of injury," Ardern said in response to the trail ride.
"It's my expectation that ministers set the standards we are asking New Zealanders to follow," she said.
Despite Clark's repeated breach of that expectation, not to mention his glaring hypocrisy, "Saint Jacinta" allowed him to keep his job as health minister, using the COVID-19 hysteria as justification. "We cannot afford massive disruption in the health sector or to our response," she said, confirming yet again that government hypocrites get to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us.
Catherine Calderwood (former Chief Medical Officer, Scotland)
In early April, the Scottish Sun tabloid published photos of Catherine Calderwood, Scotland’s chief medical officer, at her family’s second home an hour from their primary residence in Edinburgh.
The story caused a furore. Residents accused her of failing to heed her own government’s advice that people with second properties should stay at home to protect rural communities during the outbreak.
Calderwood, 51, later acknowledged it was her second trip to the home since the lockdown went into effect.
Scottish police issued her a warning - but no penalty - for violating lockdown rules.
Calderwood, who had regularly appeared in Scottish news conferences and advertisements calling for people to stay home, apologized for traveling during the pandemic. In a media briefing on Sunday, 5 April, Calderwood referred to her blatant hypocrisy as "human error." There were "no excuses" she said, but would not step down.
"I've seen a lot of comments from members of the public on Twitter today," she continued. "People calling me a hypocrite, people telling me about the hardships they've endured while following my guidance."
"My office has also received emails from members of the public making clear to me their disappointment and unhappiness at what I've done. People have told me I'm irresponsible, that I've behaved as though my advice does not apply to me."
"I'm very sorry and it will not happen again," she offered, saying she would continue her job but limit her public appearances. Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon backed her up, calling her “invaluable” despite her double-standard behaviour.
But later that day, Calderwood changed course and resigned. “The First Minister and I have had a further conversation this evening," she said in a statement, "and we have agreed that the justifiable focus on my behaviour risks becoming a distraction from the hugely important job that government and the medical profession has to do in getting the country through this coronavirus pandemic."
József Szájer (former Member of the European Parliament for Hungary)
Up until recently, Hungarian politician Jozsef Szájer was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for Hungary. So while he hails from Hungary, he spends a lot of time in Brussels, the de facto capital of the European Union.
Both Hungary and Belgium have strict COVID-19 restrictions. After already staging a Spring lockdown, Hungary declared a state of emergency with fresh restrictions in November in response to a so-called "second wave" of infections. The restrictions include an 8pm to 5am curfew, restaurants and bars being limited to takeout and home delivery, mandatory mask-wearing in public areas and a 10-person ceiling on family gatherings.
Belgium, meanwhile, also has draconian restrictions. Shopping must be done alone, gatherings are limited to a maximum of 4 people, and there is a nightly curfew in Brussels from 10pm-6am.
Hungary is currently ruled by Viktor Orbán, also known for his hardline stance against LGBT rights. In the late 1980s, Szájer was a founding member of Orbán’s party, Fidesz. He has long been a close ally of Orbán and, since 2004, has acted as a key party spokesman in Brussels, defending Orbán’s government against any kind of criticism.
Szajer was the key legal architect of Orbán’s new constitutional system, one of whose articles states “the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.” When journalists asked about the lack of family rights for same-sex couples, Szajer replied: “I don’t think that the traditional concept of marriage has changed just because we came into another millennium.”
And this is where mierda really gets loca.
I think most people would agree that a gay orgy does not constitute a monogamous "union of a man and a woman."
And I'm confident most readers would also concur "the traditional concept of marriage" is not one in which a man in a heterosexual marriage gets his kit off with 24 other naked men in a flat and, with gay abandon, engages in the kind of sex we all know cannot make babies.
But on 27 November in an apartment above a Brussels gay bar, Szájer - a 59-year-old married father-of-one - was caught doing just that. He was arrested for violating Belgium's COVID-19 restrictions after being found at a homosexual orgy with 24 others.
Police were called after complaints by neighbours about the noise. Szájer was arrested after he tried to escape the apartment by fleeing along a gutter. It is also alleged drugs were found in a backpack he was wearing at the time.
When police arrived and began demanding ID from the naked participants, Szájer and another claimed diplomatic immunity. The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs later confirmed an Estonian diplomat was at the sleazy event.
The party's organiser, David Manzheley, said he regularly hosts orgies in his flat. Of the recent event at which Szájer was busted, he said "compulsory group sex" and "no condoms" were the only rules.
So not only was Szájer caught out spectacularly contradicting his public anti-gay stance, he was also blissfully violating the lockdown restrictions imposed upon both Belgians and his fellow Hungarians. If Manzheley's claims about compulsory unprotected sex are true, then Szájer and his fellow participants also risked catching infections far more serious than the largely asymptomatic COVID-19.
Szájer and the other participants were fined €250 each for violating Belgium's COVID-19 restrictions. It is currently unclear whether Szájer will face further charges over the alleged drug possession.
Szájer resigned before being publicly identified, and was quickly disowned by Orbán who said the errant MEP had no place in his political family. However, Szájer's double-standard sexual life was something of an open secret in Hungarian politics. According to the Hungarian Free Press, "There was a suggestion that when Mr. Szájer became an MEP at the very first opportunity in 2004, immediately after Hungary joined the EU, he was effectively being exiled to Brussels by Fidesz, on the basis of the old adage: 'out of sight, out of mind.' The hushed voices of political circles shared that he was too much of a liability at home."
In 2015, after taking umbrage at anti-gay comments by Orbán, Alliance of Free Democrats member Klára Ungár, who is openly lesbian, stated Szájer and fellow Fidesz Máté Kocsis were gay. Kocsis unscuccessfully sued, while Szájer did not react.
Other members of Fidesz have had to resign after sex scandals. In the run-up to Hungary’s 2019 municipal elections, video footage emerged of Gyor mayor Zsolt Borkai taking part in a cocaine-fueled orgy on a yacht on the Adriatic. The 54-year old married father-of-two was accompanied by a male associate and a number of prostitutes. Borkai somehow won re-election, but resigned a month later amid the growing scandal.
Married father-of-two Zsolt Borkai displaying some of those traditional Fidesz family values.
Sheila Kuehl (Democrat, Member of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors)
Unlike Jozsef Szájer, Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl is openly gay.
But like Szájer, Kuehl feels little obligation to follow the COVID-19 rules her party imposes upon others.
In late November, shortly after voting to uphold a ban on outdoor dining, Kuehl was spotted ... you guessed it ... outdoor dining!
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to uphold the outdoor dining ban amidst a coronavirus "surge" in Southern California. "I think it's sad, but I support this," Kuehl said as she voted for the outdoor dining ban last Tuesday. Kuehl said it was "a bit of magical thinking" to believe any server or bus person at any restaurant could always maintain the six foot distance recommended by public health officials.
“This is a serious health emergency and we must take it seriously,” Kuehl said during the Board meeting. She described outside dining as “a most dangerous situation.”
Hours later, she was spotted dining outdoors.
Barbara Osborn, Kuehl's spokesperson, confirmed the reports.
"Supervisor Kuehl did dine al fresco at Il Forno on the very last day it was permissible," Osborn wrote in an email to NBC News, referring to the Il Forno restaurant in Santa Monica, California.
So despite publicly claiming outdoor dining posed a serious risk, the disingenuous Kuehl figured she'd cram in one last outdoor restaurant meal while it was still technically legal.
In a display of unrepentant arrogance, Kuehl’s office told Fox 11 reporter Pete Wilgoren that her hypocritical dining session was a "nonstory" and she was doing no more interviews on it.
As Harmeet Dhillon, the CEO of the Center for American Liberty noted, Kuehl represents yet another California elected official who says one thing in public yet does something else in private.
“Given the sheer volume of elected officials who are defying these rules, you can only reach a couple of conclusions,” Dhillon said. “One is that they are incredibly reckless because they think that eating out at restaurants will kill you … So they have a death wish. That’s one explanation. Another explanation is, they don’t think it’s that dangerous, but they’re telling us that it is. And I think that’s the more likely explanation.”
Steve Adler (Democrat, Mayor of Austin, Texas)
Steve Adler, 64, is a Democratic politician who has been the Mayor of Austin, Texas since January 2015. The former lawyer was forced to summon his powers of evasive BS when recently caught out contradicting his own travel advice.
Adler went on a family getaway to Mexico as he told people to keep indoors amid "spiralling virus caseloads."
One night into the trip, Mr Adler addressed Austin residents in a Facebook video, giving no hint he was outside the city.
"We need to stay home if you can," he said. "This is not the time to relax. We are going to be looking really closely. We may have to close things down if we are not careful."
When questioned about his hypocrisy, Adler promptly went into lawyer mode and tried to escape via a loophole. Like Kuehl, he went the technicality route: Because he had waited a day into his trip before issuing his stay-at-home plea, he technically had not travelled at the time he gave his recommendation.
"There was no recommendation for people not to travel during that period of time," he disingenuously claimed. "Someone could look at me and say, 'He travelled.' But what they could not say is that I travelled at a time when I was telling other people not to travel."
Sure thing, counsel.
Shortly before the trip to Mexico, Adler last month hosted an outdoor wedding reception with 20 guests for his daughter at an upmarket Austin hotel. The mayor acknowledged that masks distributed to guests were "probably not" worn all the time.
The next day, the mayor and seven other attendees of the wedding boarded a private jet for the oceanfront resort of Cabo San Lucas, where they spent a week at a family timeshare apartment. Adler then posted his do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do recommendation on Facebook.
Adler had declared a state of emergency in Austin way back on 6 March 2020 as a result of the COVID-19. But judging from his personal behaviour, Austin's mayor doesn't seem to think COVID-19 is such an emergency after all.
Michael Hancock (Democrat, Mayor of Denver)
Denver mayor Michael Hancock took a slightly different approach to Adler. He waited until after issuing anti-travel messages to go ahead and travel himself.
In an email to city staff on 18 November, Hancock wrote, “as the holidays approach, we all long to be with our families in person, but with the continued rise in cases, I’m urging you to refrain from travel this Thanksgiving holiday. For my family that means cancelling our traditional gathering of our extended family.”
On 26 November, in a Tweet titled "Pass the potatoes, not COVID," he urged his followers to "Stay home as much as you can," "Host virtual gatherings instead of in-person dinners" and "Avoid travel, if you can."
Around 30 minutes after sending the Tweet, he was on a flight to Houston.
So he could visit his daughter in Mississippi. His wife, who had also made the trip, was already there.
“I recognize that my decision has disappointed many who believe it would have been better to spend Thanksgiving alone," Hancock said in a statement. "As a public official, whose conduct is rightly scrutinized for the message it sends to others, I apologize to the residents of Denver who see my decision as conflicting with the guidance to stay at home for all but essential travel. I made my decision as a husband and father, and for those who are angry and disappointed, I humbly ask you to forgive decisions that are borne of my heart and not my head.”
That Hancock used his heart instead of his head probably comes as little consolation to those who heeded his advice and remained separated from their loved ones on Thanksgiving.
J.B. Pritzker (Democrat, Governor of Illinois)
Billionaire Governor of Illinois, J.B. Pritzker, is yet another spoiled elitist who believes he is above following the rules the rest of us lowly proles must adhere to.
The governor is a member of the wealthy Pritzker family and 'donated' $171 million to his own campaign in 2018. He is the heir to the Hyatt hotel chain. The family is consistently named on the Forbes 'America's Richest Families' list.
Pritzker lives with his wife and two children on Astor Street in Chicago, where he paid $18.17 million for a pair of neighboring houses. In 2018, Pritzker also purchased a $12.1 million equestrian estate in Wellington, Florida. The multi-million dollar estate, located close to homes of Bill Gates, Bruce Springsteen and Billy Joel, is just one of numerous luxurious properties the family owns including houses at Lake Geneva in Wisconsin and one in the Bahamas (close to the governor's off-shore bank accounts).
As you might have guessed, Pritzker is not a guy used to exercising restraint and making sacrifices.
So it perhaps comes as little surprise his family blissfully ignored the travel restrictions he imposed on the rest of Illinois.
On 21 March, Pritzker issued a statewide stay-at-home directive. On Thursday, 23 April, Pritzker announced he was extending the stay-at-home order through to May 30.
At a press briefing, he pointed to charts showing that if the statewide stay-at-home order was lifted, it would result in a “second wave” of COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths.
“The projections are clear: if we lifted the stay-at-home order tomorrow, we would see our deaths per day shoot into the thousands by the end of May, and that would last well into the summer. Our hospitals would be full, and very sick people would have nowhere to go," he said.
“People who otherwise might have won their fight against COVID would die, because we wouldn’t be able to help them through. No amount of political pressure would ever make me allow such a scenario for our state,” the governor said.
As well as being immune to political pressure, it appears Pritzker was also unimpeded by a conscience.
When news broke that his wife had left Illinois to ride out the stay-at-home period at their lavish Florida estate, he feigned indignance.
After Patch writer Mark Konkol first reported Pritzker's wife may have left the state, another reporter asked the Governor: "What is your response to people who say the stay-at-home order and non-essential travels bans aren't abided by your family?"
"The first thing I'd like to say is that in politics it used to be that we kept our families out of it," said Pritzker. "My official duties have nothing to do with my family. So, I'm not going to answer that question. It's inappropriate and I find it reprehensible, honestly that that a reporter wrote a story about it."
Actually, it was entirely appropriate to question his wife’s whereabouts, given her status as a public figure with a taxpayer-funded staffer and two taxpayer-funded offices.
If Pritzker wants to keep his family out of politics, he and his wife should immediately surrender all their taxpayer-funded perks and vacate their titles as Governor and First Lady of Illinois.
What is really "reprehensible" is Pritzker's astounding arrogance and insensitivity. Never mind that politics routinely gets in the face of everyday families, whether they like it or not. Never mind that Pritzker's "official duties" have caused families untold hardship and misery. Never mind that at all, because Pritzker clearly believes he is special and that the rest of us are just lowly schmucks to be ordered about.
While extremely reluctant to answer questions about his wife's whereabouts, Pritzker was more than happy to threaten struggling small businesses that were considering opening in defiance of his draconian directives. "We have enforcement methods that can be used. Their permits can be taken away, the state can take action, local government can take action," he said.
In mid-May, Pritzker finally discussed his family's whereabouts, but gave a rather patchy account. “My wife and daughter were down in Florida in early March," he said, then added, "in fact even a little before that." He claimed they had gone to Florida before the stay-at-home directive.
“And they stayed there until very recently, so you know we’ll say, you know, we have a working farm. They’re there now. There are animals on that farm. That is an essential function to take care of animals at a farm,” he added.
Pritzker seemed to be saying his family was now staying at their horse farm in Racine, Wisconsin.
Wisconsin, it goes without saying, is not Illinois.
Because non-essential travel remained “discouraged” in Illinois, he was claiming their presence at the farm was to provide "essential" care for the horses. Apparently the billionaire family can't afford local handlers to look after their prized equines.
“I just will say we have a working farm. They’re there now. There are animals on that farm, that it’s an essential function to take care of animals at a farm, so that’s what they’re doing,” he said.
A Pritzker spokeswoman later claimed that the family was at home in Chicago and had visited the interstate farm but hadn’t stayed there.
Whatever. The fact remains Pritzker is a precious hypocrite who not only believes he and his taxpayer-funded wife are above scrutiny, he also has no problem with his family members travelling interstate while he cajoles Illinois residents to stay home in order to avoid a “second wave” that "would see our deaths per day shoot into the thousands."
Muriel Bowser (Democrat, Washington D.C. Mayor)
As you may have heard, there was recently a Presidential election in the US. The winner will not be declared until 6 January 2021, when the all-important electoral votes are formally counted. That, of course, didn't stop the media from almost immediately declaring Joe "I'm Joe Biden's Husband" Biden as the winner.
To celebrate the fact that the US won't have to endure "Four more years of George, uh, George, uh, he, uh," Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and at least three high-ranking members of her administration travelled to Delaware to listen to Biden give a victory speech.
Only days before she took her trip to Biden’s Wilmington victory rally, Bowser ordered 14-day quarantines for residents returning from “hot spot” areas - including Delaware.
Now, some of you might say that travelling to a state Bowser herself deemed "high risk" just to watch the victory speech of a senile, little girl-grabbing, hair-sniffing guy embroiled in a pay-for-play corruption investigation was somewhat foolhardy.
You might also object that such a trip hardly qualifies as "essential" travel.
But Bowser doesn't see it that way.
When her trip predictably drew criticism, Bowser explained that her visit to the political rally was “essential travel” and therefore not subject to her own rules.
Yep, Bowser is special, and you're not.
Bowser said her trip to Delaware for Biden's victory speech was "absolutely" essential. "I do a lot of things to advance the interests of the District of Columbia," she said. "And some of them are formal, and some of them are informal, but all of them are necessary."
Bowser claims visiting a "high risk" state to watch this repulsive character give a premature victory speech was "absolutely essential" and "necessary."
OpenTheBooks.com found Bowser earned $220,000 last year – an amount higher than any governor of the 50 states. You think she might show a little appreciation and consideration for the hapless taxpayers that fund her salary, but no - like all good Democrats, Bowser firmly adheres to the "one set of rules for them, another for us" credo.
Dianne Feinstein (Democrat, United States Senator from California)
Dianne Feinstein insists masks are really important. Especially in places like airports. So much so, that in June she wrote to the US Federal Aviation Authority to urge them to "issue clear, nationwide, mandatory mask requirements for all aviation employees and travelers." She told the FAA that both the CDC and WHO recommend a "comprehensive strategy" of wearing masks on public transport, and told the FAA to hurry up and issue similar guidelines "so that we may reduce exposure for workers and travellers alike."
Feinstein also sent a similar letter to the Federal Transit Administration.
Which made it especially galling to see the 87-year-old senator walking through Dulles International Airport in September with a big grin on her face. The reason you could tell she was grinning is because she was not wearing a mask.
The photo was taken in Dulles' Signature Flight Support section, the terminal that services passengers flying private.
A traveler who was waiting at Dulles Signature at the same time as Feinstein said he was told he had to wear a mask. Records show Feinstein's husband's private jet, a Gulfstream, departed Dulles International Airport around 1 pm and arrived in San Francisco a few hours later.
The privileged Dianne Feinstein is a "clear" and "comprehensive" example of how so many Democrats earnestly believe it is their God-given right to "mandate" onerous rules for the masses - while they themselves continue to do as they please.
Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister, Canada) and Andrew Scheer (Opposition Leader, Canada)
As part of their COVID-19 measures, Quebec's public health officials told Ontarians not to go to their country residences across the provincial border. That didn't stop Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from visiting Harrington Lake, the PM's lakeside retreat and official summer residence in Quebec, about 30 kilometres northwest of Parliament Hill.
Trudeau's deputy director of communications, Chantal Gagnon, said the prime minister went to Harrington Lake to spend Easter with his wife and children, who were already at the retreat - blissfully oblivious to the sacrifices other families have had to make.
"They continue to follow all public health guidelines," Gagnon disingenuously said.
Trudeau’s wife, Sophie, tested positive for the virus in March.
Around the same time, Canadian Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer came under fire when it was revealed he, his family and two other MPs made a cross-country flight in a small government plane.
Scheer, his wife and their five children, outgoing Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and Liberal B.C. cabinet minister Carla Qualtrough filled all seats on the 9-seater aircraft.
Initially, the flight was only going to carry the three MPs, but later Scheer's wife and kids were added to the plan.
"It's just completely false that we were packed one on top of each other," Scheer retorted, debunking a claim no-one ever made. He told reporters he and his wife took steps to ensure everyone on board was safe.
"We took great steps to ensure that we minimize interactions with each other," Scheer said. "My wife brought wipes along with her."
Oh, that makes it alright, then.
Scheer also said his family members weren't "speaking moistly" in the aircraft — a reference to Trudeau's oddball statement that masks (which studies have repeatedly shown offer little-to-no protection) help protect people from "breathing or speaking moistly" on others.
May, however, said it was near-impossible to maintain the two-metre distancing requirement. While she wore a mask during the flight, May said the Scheers did not. May said the passengers did use sterile wipes to clean surfaces in the plane.
The Trudeau-Scheer case is a not-so-touching tale of political unity. It shows how, unlike the bitterly divided US, Canadian politicians from opposing parties can come together and unanimously agree they don't have to follow the same rules and standards as the rest of us.
Ferd Grapperhaus (Justice Minister, Netherlands)
On Saturday 22 August 2020, a long line of police cars and vans pulled up outside an apartment complex in the Dutch city of Haarlem. A large group of heavily-armed police emerged from the vehicles, some with attack dogs.
You might be thinking there was a hostage siege in one of the flats, or that police were targeting members of one of the numerous outlaw motorcycle gangs that call the Netherlands home.
But you'd be wrong.
The target was a 3-year old girl and her family and friends that were celebrating her birthday party. According to Dutch media reports, the Haarlem police were sent out in such large numbers to stop the party by order of the municipality. Those involved in the celebration were "not happy about this, to say the least." Emotions ran high when the party was canceled and the officers were verbally berated, but after that everyone reluctantly went home "quietly."
Dutch police swarm upon a flat in Haarlem to prevent the heinous crime of celebrating a 3-year old child's birthday.
The government minister ultimately overseeing this idiocy was one Ferd Grapperhaus, the Dutch Minister of Justice. Thanks to Grapperhaus and his cohorts, a fine for breaking social distancing rules in the Netherlands automatically resulted in a criminal record. This made it difficult for people to get the certificate of good behaviour (VOG) required for many jobs. Thousands of people were given a fine of €390 for breaking the social distancing rules and several thousand have begun appeals.
The rules have clearly caused hardship for a lot of Dutch folks, but the autocratic Grapperhaus wouldn't budge. He proffered harsh criticism of those who disobeyed his COVID-19 dictates, with special disdain for "anti-social youngsters" who (correctly) believe a virus with an infection fatality rate of <0.5% does not even begin to negate the human need for social interaction.
But, apparently, if you are a 61-year old senior Dutch government minister, you can be as "anti-social" as you want.
Because on Saturday 22 August 2020, the same day jack-booted police descended upon a young child's birthday party in Haarlem and gave her the lasting gift of traumatization, Grapperhaus got married. And as photos from the event show (see below), Grapperhaus and his guests completely disregarded the social distancing rules that regular Dutch civilians have been harshly fined for breaching.
And as you might have already surmised, there was no municipal order for heavily-armed cops to rush in and break up the "anti-social" gathering. Grapperhaus and his fellow revellers received no fines, no criminal records, nothing.
Grapperhuas married Elsevier journalist Elizabeth Wytzes at Bloemendaal town hall, and photos show the group standing close together, posing for photos on the steps. This prompted an apology from the hypocritical minister on Twitter in which he initially tried to garner sympathy by saying he had postponed the event because of COVID limitations and settled for an "intimate party."
Poor dear.
And an interesting choice of words for a party that openly and publicly spat in the face of the same rules everyone else was being forced to follow. So then out came the reluctant and unconvincing apology. Grapperhuas said "despite all the measures taken there were moments, unfortunately, when the 1.5 metre distance wasn’t respected. I regret this. A minister should always give a good example."
Junior justice minister Ankie Broekers-Knol, who officiated at the wedding, was also part of the photo session.
Completing the unholy trinity of brazen government hypocrisy was none other than Dutch Prime minister Mark Rutte, who has also described those who flout the draconian COVID-19 restrictions as "anti-social." But as angry commentators called for Grapperhuas to resign, Rutte stood by his double-standard Justice Minister. He said mistakes had been made but that Grapperhaus’ position was not up for discussion, and at a press conference he emphasized the minister’s "hard work."
Yes, being a bald-faced hypocrite can be exhausting some times, what, with having to concoct pathetic excuses and keep a straight face while you issue plastic apologies ...
In mid-September, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) finally issued a fine to Grapperhaus for violating social distancing rules at his own wedding. "The minister informed the OM that he will respect the decision," a spokesperson for the Justice ministry said. "He will pay the fine as soon as possible."
Grapperhaus also transferred money to the Red Cross in the amount of the fine on behalf of himself and his wife. But no criminal record was mandated for Grapperhaus, his wife or any of their guests.
The only good things to come from Grapperhaus' brazen disregard for his own rules is that it facilitated demands from Parliament to lower the amount of the social distancing fine to 99 euros. The 'violation' would also no longer show up on a person's criminal record.
Also, the union for the Dutch street wardens that hand out COVID fines, NBB, said its members were handing out fewer social distancing fines since the Grapperhaus wedding photographs appeared. "People are less understanding about the fines," NBB chairman Richard Gerrits said. "And street wardens are noticing it. It is tricky to explain to people why they can get a fine but the minister responsible [for law and order] does not keep the rules himself."
Other examples of "hard work" by Grapperhuas include his declaration there would be "no independent investigation into Ritual Abuse" of children in The Netherlands, despite a media exposé indicating such an investigation was sorely needed. On 13 October, the Netherlands House of Representatives approved a motion in which the GroenLinks, Socialistische Partij (Nederland) and Partij van de Arbeid (Nederland) requested an independent investigation into the nature and extent of "organized sadistic abuse of children," bypassing Grapperhaus' original refusal to investigate.
Ferd Grapperhaus is a monumental hypocrite. He insists COVID-19 is so deadly it requires police to storm a 3-year old's birthday party, and that those who come within 1.5 metres of their fellow humans are "anti-social" heathen deserving of a criminal record. He then displays his utter lack of sincerity by completely disregarding the social distancing rules, even publicly huddling together with dozens of others for a group photo at his wedding.
Joanna Birx (White House Coronavirus Coordinator)
Joanna Birx sits alongside Anthony Fauci as one of the most prominent members of the Whitehouse Coronavirus Task Force. At a 7 April 2020 press briefing, the duo helpfully confirmed the official US COVID-19 death toll was a grossly exaggerated scam.
Birx nonchalantly confirmed the US was ascribing COVID-19 as the cause of death even when it was really caused by another condition. She told reporters gathered at the Whitehouse briefing that the US has "taken a very liberal approach to mortality."
"There are other countries," said Birx, "that if you had a pre-existing condition and let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem — some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death."
As they should, and as was the normal practice prior to the dystopian COVID-19 era. You see, historical data shows the death toll reliably rises every winter during flu season, all around the world. Traditionally, deaths during winter from such causes as heart attack or kidney failure have been ascribed to ... duh ... heart attack or kidney failure. Yes, influenza may have weakened the patient and made them more susceptible to a fatal event, along with factors like seasonal vitamin D deficiency and psychological peturbations due to reduced natural light exposure. But these factors merely acted to exacerbate a pre-existing condition, and so cause of death was rightfully ascribed to that condition.
But that's not how it works any more, explained Birx. This is the age of COVID, where inflated death tolls are esssential to continue scaring the frightened masses into submission. In America, revealed Birx, "the intent is, right now, that those — if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that as a COVID-19 death."[Bold emphasis added]
When a reporter queried the validity of this approach, Birx fumbled for a coherent response, so Fauci quickly chimed in and confirmed the COVID-19 death tally was a farce:
“I think there’s so much focus now on coronavirus that … No, I can’t imagine if someone comes in with coronavirus, goes to an ICU, and they have an underlying heart condition and they die — they’re going to say, “Cause of death: heart attack.” I — I cannot see that — that happening. So I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.”
Fauci openly admitted that, thanks to the COVID-19 hysteria, there is every chance a heart disease patient dying of a heart attack while also allegedly having a coronavirus infection would misleadingly be listed as dying of COVID-19. And he proudly admitted he didn’t see this as a problem.
Despite this stunning revelation, the mainstream media - which is little more than a propaganda arm for the reigning elitist oligarchy - continues to bombard us with fantasmagorical COVID-19 death counts. We are supposed to believe 340,000+ Americans have died from a largely asymptomatic influenza virus, when they most likely died from ailments like heart disease, stroke, cancer and kidney disease.
Despite this public admission of statistical chicanery, which confirms the ever-growing research showing COVID-19 is nowhere near as deadly as claimed, the paranoia campaign continues unabated. Americans are supposed to heed warnings to stay home during holiday seasons, instead of gathering with their loved ones. In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, Birx warned people to limit gatherings to “your immediate household.”
In a November interview with CBS News, Birx bemoaned those who had the temerity to act like sociable human beings during Thanksgiving. "We know people may have made mistakes over the Thanksgiving time period," Birx said. "If you're young and you gathered, you need to be tested about five to 10 days later. But you need to assume that you're infected and not go near your grandparents and aunts and others without a mask."
"To every American, this is the moment to protect yourself and your family," she added. "You need to protect your family now."
And during a December appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, Birx issued solemn warnings about the coming winter holiday season. “This is the worst event that this country will face, not just from a public health side,” Birx said.
Birx called on Americans to change their behavior ahead of the winter holidays. “We cannot go into the holiday season, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, with the same kind of attitude, that those gatherings don’t apply to me,” Birx said. “They apply to everybody.”[Bold emphasis added]
Birx further warned, "if you have anyone in your family with comorbidities or over 70, you cannot do those things."
And so what did Birx do?
She proved what a staggering hypocrite she was by doing exactly what she cajoled ordinary Americans not to do. The day after Thanksgiving, she traveled to one of her vacation properties on Fenwick Island in Delaware. She was accompanied by three generations of her family from two households. Birx, her husband Paige Reffe, a daughter, son-in-law and two young grandchildren were present.
After she was outed by a relative offended by her brazen hypocrisy, Birx did not apologize but instead defended her trip, claiming she needed to take care of "winterizing" the property before a "potential" sale.
“I did not go to Delaware for the purpose of celebrating Thanksgiving,” Birx said in her statement, but admitted her family did share a meal together while in Delaware.
She argued the members of the trip belong to her “immediate household,” though she acknowledged they lived in separate homes.
As public outrage over her hypocrisy mounted, Birx changed her story and tried the sympathy angle, claiming she took her Thanksgiving jaunt to Delaware because her parents were so depressed, they “stopped eating and drinking.”
“My daughter hasn’t left that house in 10 months, my parents have been isolated for 10 months. They’ve become deeply depressed,” Birx said of the need to “recover from the trauma of the last 10 months.”
Birx seemed completely oblivious to the plight of other families who endured far greater suffering due to the lockdowns she supported, and was quickly eviscerated online for being “tone deaf.”
Birx's self-centered nature was further highlighted when she announced her plan to retire after being outed, calling the experience “overwhelming.” She said she would help the incoming Biden administration, but then planned to head for the exits.
“I think what was done in the past week to my family — you know, they didn’t choose this for me. They’ve tried to be supportive, but to drag my family into this,” Birx trailed off.
Birx's callous indifference to the plight of thousands of families who have been dragged into the dystopian COVID-19 nightmare through no fault of their own is truly sickening. Domestic violence has predictably surged during lockdowns, while family members have been lost to suicide and rendered unemployed - something the well-connected and wealthy Birx won't have to worry about. And while Birx bemoans the "trauma" allegedly experienced by her parents, at least she still has them. Out here in the real world, grieving family members still have to endure the further heartbreak of culling close friends and relatives from invite lists thanks to our heartless authorities and their inhumane restrictions on funeral gatherings.
The only things "overwhelming" about the Birx scandal are her unrepentant double-standards and her nauseating insensitivity.
“To me this disqualifies her from any future government health position,” Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the Georgetown Center for Global Health Science and Security, told the Baltimore Sun. “It’s a terrible message for someone in public health to be sending to the American people.”
Anthony Fauci (Director of US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, White House Coronavirus Task Force member)
No hypocrite list would be complete without a mention of Anthony Stephen Fauci, 80, one of the world's most public faces of the COVID-19 sham. While debate still rages about the efficacy of wearing masks, Fauci and his fellow fear-mongers insist we wear them anyway. He inisted back in March that, while face masks are not 100% effective, people should don them as a “symbol” of respect for one another.
“It’s sort of respect for another person and have that other person respect you,” Fauci said. “You wear a mask, they wear a mask, you protect each other.”
On Thursday 16 July 2020, Fauci showed just how little respect he has for others. He had been invited to D.C's Nationals Park stadium to throw the first pitch at the long-awaited 2020 MLB season opener, where the New York Yankees took on the Washington Nationals. Fauci added a new meaning to the term "flatten the curve" as he fumbled the ball straight into the ground.
Poor coordination was not the only thing Fauci displayed that day. After his disastrous throw, the priveliged career bureaucrat was allowed to do what tens of thousands of Americans were not. He sat in the virtually empty stadium to watch the game, sandwiched shoulder-to-shoulder between two other people. Photos that emerged soon afterwards not only showed a lack of social distancing but also Fauci wearing his mask around his chin, allowing his oral droplets and aerosols to emerge from his oral cavity in free range fashion.
In one image, Fauci was seen with his mask on his chin grinning at a friend to his right. In another image, Fauci looked straight ahead watching the game, with empty hands pointed toward the field.
Fauci’s mask-free spectating quickly drew criticism from people affronted by his unabashed hypocrisy.
“Fauci is just giving us a preview of life under a Biden Administration: They’ll never subject themselves to rules they impose on the ‘little people,'” tweeted Fox News host Laura Ingraham.
Like so many of his fellow brazen hypocrites, Fauci was unrepentant.
"So, I guess people want to make it a big event," a shamelessly aloof Fauci told told Fox News the following day. "But to me, I think that's just mischievous."
But why didn't Fauci just use his mask, like he incessantly preaches to others, instead of treating it like a chin strap?
"I had my mask around my chin. I had taken it down. I was totally dehydrated and I was drinking water trying to rehydrate myself ... I wear a mask all the time when I'm outside. To pull it down to take some sips of water and put it back up again."
Fauci, of course, was lying. The photos clearly show a relaxed Fauci not only with his mask down, but his bottle of water resting by his side.
"I was negative COVID literally the day before," Fauci also claimed. Even if true, this would not stop him receiving the virus from others. His disingenuous excuse was also one that ordinary citizens subject to mask mandates do not enjoy the privelige of citing.
Anthony S. Fauci: Yet another elitist bureaucrat hailing from the "do as I say, not as I do" school of hypocrisy. He cavalierly ignores the mask recommendations he urges others to follow, then offers untenable excuses when caught out.
Know of any hypocrites I missed? If so, please email me at info [@] anthonycolpo.com. If the story checks out, I'll add them to the list!
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