Celebrity Vegan Restaurateurs Arrested For Public Lewdness & Fraud

May 26, 2016 Anthony Colpo 0

Vegan ex-restaurant owner Dan Hoyt has been arrested yet again for public lewdness, after he pulled his pants down and exposed himself to a female at a Manhattan subway station. And ex-vegan restaurateur Sarma Melngailis has been arrested after a year on the run with her husband, charged with stealing $844,000 from investors and failing to pay $40,000 of wages owed to their employees.

NuSI: The ‘Non-Profit’ Organization that Has Netted Gary Taubes & Peter Attia Over $2.1 million

May 9, 2016 Anthony Colpo 0

Find out why the so-called ‘non-profit’ Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI) is in fact a lucrative cash cow for its founders, netting Gary Taubes and Peter Attia an estimated $1,800,000+. To top it all off, after several years and after spending millions of other people’s money, the organization has so far produced only a single study which simply found what dozens of others have already shown.