The so-called COVID-19 'vaccines' have been available for just over a year, yet their adverse event and death toll already dwarfs the entire historical adverse event record for all other influenza vaccines combined.
These shady drugs, based on bizarre viral vector and long-failed mRNA technology, are by far the most dangerous 'vaccines' ever unleashed.
In the US, the CDC claims to have received 10,688 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 'vaccine' from December 14, 2020, through December 20, 2021. We know the real figure is far, far higher because even the CDC itself admits that only a small portion of flu vaccine adverse events ever find their way onto its VAERS database (for a compelling case on why the real death toll is likely in excess of 150,000, click here).
As a point of comparison, during the 2018-2019 flu season, 169.1 million doses of influenza vaccines were distributed throughout the US. VAERS received just 22 death reports for these vaccines during that season.
The corresponding figure for the 2019-2020 season was 174.5 million, and 17 death reports.
Of the 10,688 deaths currently reported to VAERS, we are supposed to believe the industry-funded CDC could only identify a mere "nine deaths causally associated with J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccination."
In the UK, the industry-funded MHRA claims its Yellow Card reporting system received 1,913 reports from 9 December 2020 to 22 December 2021 of suspected adverse events in which the patient died shortly after injection. For these and the 421,155 non-fatal adverse events thus far reported, the corrupt MHRA audaciously claims "There are currently no indications of specific patterns or rates of reporting that would suggest the vaccine has played a role."
Meanwhile, in the petty, vindictive dystopia of Australia, which recently began clot-shotting young children and tormenting international tennis players who meet all visa entry requirements, the industry-funded TGA claims only 726 reports of death from the pseudo-vaccines. The TGA claims to have "reviewed" these 726 deaths and identified only 11 deaths "that were linked to vaccination."
All these agencies are riddled with corruption and rely largely or entirely on drug companies for their funding. But what happens when researchers who aren't in the pocket of Big Pharma review dead vaccine victims by way of autopsy?
Do their post-mortem findings confirm government agency claims that only a tiny portion of the deaths are linked to the 'vaccines"?
Or do they reveal the opposite?
The Findings of Autopsy Studies
One would think, for a disease incessantly and hysterically billed as the gravest threat ever posed to the survival of humankind, that governments would be urgently funding large scale autopsy studies on both COVID-19 victims and on those who died shortly after receiving the new 'vaccines.'
But governments don't want us to know that "COVID" pathology is essentially identical to that of regular flu and pneumonia, and they certainly don't want us to know about the pathological effects exerted by the Brave New World 'vaccines.'
On 15 December 2021, the Journal of Clinical Medicine published a review by Italian researchers who scoured the literature for autopsy reports involving people who died after receiving a COVID-19 'vaccine.'
They searched Scopus, EMBASE, Medline (via PubMed) and Web of Science for all studies published up to 2 December 2021, without language restriction, using search terms like “COVID-19 Vaccine”, “SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine”, “COVID-19 Vaccination”, “SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination” and “Autopsy” or “Post-mortem”. References and citation lists of selected articles and reviews were also searched for any other relevant literature.
Their initial search retrieved 53 publications. After culling duplicate and irrelevant articles, they were left with a grand total of 17 full text papers. These 17 papers comprised a total of 38 cases (19 females, 19 males): 22 cases were related to the AstraZeneca-Oxford drug, 10 cases to Pfizer-BioNTech's Comirnaty, 4 cases to Moderna's drug, and 2 cases to the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) drug.
Again, the lack of resources devoted to autopsy studies is simply astounding. As the Italian researchers note in their paper, "The post-mortem investigation remains the gold standard to define the exact cause of death and the related pathophysiological processes." Governments, drug companies and media outlets have launched an unprecedented propaganda/bullying campaign aimed at getting every last one of us injected with the pseudo-vaccines, but remain remarkably disinterested in research examining the post-mortem pathology of people whose deaths are linked to these drugs.
Among the 38 patients, most deaths were the result of thrombotic or hemorrhagic events. Other causes of death included myocarditis, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and pneumonia.
When the researchers tabulated the role of the 'vaccines' in causing these deaths, 15 (38%) of the 39 cases rated a "YES." A further 2 were rated "Very likely" and another 3 were rated "Possible." That means 51% of the deaths were either definitely or possibly caused by the vaxxxines.
Seventeen were rated as having "NO" causal link, and another was rated "Unlikely."
German Shenanigans
Much of the autopsy research comes from Germany, where a divide seems to be forming between researchers wanting more postmortem scrutiny of 'vaccinees', and officials who insist the country's monitoring system is just dandy the way it is.
On 30 September 2021, the International Journal of Legal Medicine published a review of post-mortem investigations of 'vaccine' recipients by researchers from Münster, Germany. From 11 March 2021 to 9 June 2021, postmortem investigations of 18 persons who recently received a COVID-19 'vaccination' were performed on behalf of the public prosecutor's offices in Bielefeld, Detmold, and Münster.
The researchers claimed, in 13 deceased, the postmortem investigations did not indicate a causal relationship to the vaccination and that cause of death was attributed to preexisting diseases.
After reading through their paper, it's hard not to be skeptical of the results. Given the abundant evidence for the cardiotoxic, pro-thrombotic and hemorrhagic tendencies of the 'vaccines,' the numerous cases of thrombo-embolic, hemorrhagic and coronary events that are dismissed by the researchers as showing "No evidence" of causality could just as plausibly be described as "Possible."
The researchers would no doubt argue they were erring on the side of caution, but their assessment of case 17 strains all boundaries of credulity. This case involved a 72 year-old woman who literally died within a few minutes of being injected with Comirnaty at a vaccination center. Yet the researchers audaciously claim there was "No evidence" of a "causal relationship" between the drug and her death.
Despite erring on the side of vaccines caution, this German study still concedes 28% of the deaths may have been causally linked to the new drugs.
Which makes the hostility faced by Peter Schirmacher, chief pathologist at the University of Heidelberg, all the more curious. Schirmacher heads a government-funded COVID-19 autopsy project and can hardly be dismissed as "anti-vaxxer," as he himself has been 'vaccinated.'
Nonetheless, when Schirmacher began noticing a high rate of unreported 'vaccination' deaths, he felt compelled to speak out and call for more frequent postmortem examinations of 'vaccine'-related deaths.
The problem, Schirmacher noted, is that 'vaccinated' people do not usually die under clinical observation. "The doctor examining the corpse does not establish a context with the vaccination and certifies a natural death and the patient is buried," he told German daily, Augsburger Allgemeine in August last year. "Or he certifies an unclear type of death and the public prosecutor sees no third-party fault and releases the corpse for burial."
By the time Schirmacher went public, more than 40 people had already been autopsied who died within two weeks of being vaccinated. Schirmacher concluded 30 to 40 percent of them died from the 'vaccination.' In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated - "a politically explosive statement," noted Augsburger Allgemeine, "in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed."
In other words, Schirmacher's revelations are highly unwelcome to those behind the COVID charade.
Schirmacher's perfectly reasonable statement that there was insufficient knowledge about 'vaccine' side effects and that the dangers of these drugs were underestimated was "incomprehensible," claimed the Paul Ehrlich Institute.
"I do not know of any data that would allow a reasonable statement to be made here and I am not starting from an unreported number," said the head of the Standing Vaccination Commission, Thomas Mertens.
Christian Bogdan from the Erlangen University Hospital also maintained there was no reason to assume there were a high number of unreported vaccination complications or even deaths. Like Mertens, he insisted Germany's reporting system was doing a magnificent job of detecting 'vaccine' complications.
While quick to spout rhetoric about the alleged effectiveness of Germany's adverse event surveillance system, none of these critics actually addressed the autopsy results which prompted Schirmacher to go public.
"My colleagues are definitely wrong because they are not able to assess this specific question competently," he responded. He didn't want to spread panic and emphasized he is by no means opposed to vaccinations, he said, pointing out he himself had been 'vaccinated' for COVID-19.
But the case for vaccination should be considered on an individual basis, he emphasized. In his view, the "individual protection consideration" was being ignored in the rush to quickly inoculate all of society.
While his politically incorrect stance angers some of his mainstream colleagues, he has had notable support in the form of the Federal Association of German Pathologists, which is also urging more autopsies of vaccinated people. Only in this way could connections between deaths and vaccinations be excluded or proven, says Johannes Friemann, head of the Association's autopsy working group. However, from his point of view, too little autopsies had been carried out to speak of an unreported number. In order to gain a clearer picture, the federal states would have to instruct health authorities to order autopsies on site. The Association requested this in a letter to Health Minister Jens Spahn in March. The letter went unanswered, says Friemann.
The 'Vaccines' That Make You More Infectious
Another interesting German study, currently in pre-print form, involved 29 autopsied 'vaccinees' who were compared to 141 'nonvaccinated' control cases. Sixteen of the 29 were 'partially vaccinated' while 13 were 'fully vaccinated.' The common link between all cases was that they had 'proven' SARS-CoV-2 infection after 'vaccination' and died between January
and November 2021.
Before I discuss the results, it's worth remembering the whole point of this pseudo-vaccination charade is to prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2. You know, the dreaded virus that causes COVID-19, the dreaded disease with a 99.85% survival rate and an average age of death that almost always exceeds the national average life expectancy.
As events since mid-December 2020 have amply shown, the 'vaccines' are useless in achieving this not-so-lofty goal. This has led to the self-contradictory sing-song line of "ok, so the vaccines don't prevent Sars-Cov-2, but they do reduce hospitalizations and deaths!" There has never been any evidence for this claim, and in a world where the overwhelming majority of COVID hospitalizations and deaths are occurring in 'vaccinated' individuals, we can safely write it off as a self-serving load of malarkey.
Which brings us back to the German pre-print. The researchers reported that real-time PCR testing "identified a significantly increased rate of generalized viral dissemination within the organism in vaccinated cases versus nonvaccinated cases (45% vs. 16%, respectively; P = 0.008)."
Oh dear.
And it gets worse.
"Vaccinated cases also showed high viral loads," continued the researchers, "reaching Ct values below 10, especially in the upper airways and lungs."
Back in the pre-quaxxination era, finding signs of "COVID" infection required the routine and fraudulent use of PCR tests using cycle thresholds (Ct) of at least 35 and often far higher. As I explained in this article, numerous research groups have shown that once Ct counts venture into this territory, over 90% of the positives will be false.
But in these autopsied 'vaccinees,' a mere 10 thermal cycles were required to detect infection. As the researchers noted, this indicates high viral loads in the patients' bodies.
This high viral load, continued the researchers, "was accompanied by high rates of pulmonal bacterial or mycotic superinfections and the occurrence of immunocompromising factors such as malignancies, immunosuppressive drug intake, or decreased immunoglobulin levels. All these findings were particularly accentuated in partially vaccinated patients compared to fully vaccinated individuals."
The only thing that stood out about the 'partially vaccinated' autopsied patients was a higher rate of cancer: 56% compared to 21% of non-vaxxxed and 23% of fully vaxxxed cases, respectively. Most other demographic characteristics (age, gender, BMI and number of comorbidities) were similar between the two groups. The sole exception was that in 92% of the non-vaxxxed controls, COVID-19 was given as the direct cause of death compared to 75% of the partially-vaxxxed and 69% of the fully-vaxxxed. This, of course, makes absolutely no sense in light of the viral load findings, and suggests a strong pro-vaxxxine bias among those who assigned cause of death ("oh, he was not vaccinated, so he must have died of COVID, not merely with it.")
The researchers did mention the possibility that the 'vaccines' cause antibody-dependent enhancement. In ADE, antibodies do not eliminate the virus or do so only to a reduced extent, but instead promote viral uptake into the host’s cells.
When you look at the marked upswing in COVID cases that has occurred alongside the vaxxxine rollout, that's exactly what appears to be happening. Given the endless variety of adverse event reports, lots of other things appear to be happening also, but the preprint concerns itself almost exclusively with viral load and dissemination. The paper does state "Other organs generally showed no histological alterations that could be associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection," but this tells us nothing about organ damage that could be associated with the vaxxxines themselves.
Professor Finds 93% of 'Unrelated' Deaths Were in Fact Caused by Vaccines
On 10 December 2021, German pathologist Arne Burkhardt MD gave a presentation for the Doctors for COVID Ethics symposium that was live-streamed by UKColumn (a recording of the entire symposium can be viewed here; Dr Burkhardt's presentation begins around 22:20).
The presentation has since gone viral, having been the subject of numerous Internet articles and social media posts.
Dr Burkhardt's presentation came about after he and his colleagues reexamined 15 autopsies of people who had died after receiving a COVID-19 'vaccine.' In each of the original autopsies, the coroner declared there was no causal link between the deaths and the pseudo-vaccines. The conventional postmortems uncovered no obvious hints to a possible role of vaccination, since the macroscopic appearance of the organs was overall unremarkable. In most cases, “rhythmogenic heart failure” was postulated as the cause of death.
The majority of the deceased were never hospitalized and died at home (5), on the street (1), at work (1), in a car (1), or in home-care facilities (1). Therefore, in most cases, therapeutic intervention is unlikely to have significantly influenced the postmortem findings.
But when Burkhardt and his colleagues reexamined the organs of these people, they reported a very different pattern.
Histopathologic findings of a similar nature, that Burkhardt et al maintain can only be explained by the vaxxxines, were detected in organs of 14 of the 15 deceased. Most frequently afflicted were the heart (14 of 15 cases) and the lung (13 of 15 cases). Pathologic alterations were furthermore observed in the liver (2 cases), thyroid gland (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 2 cases), salivary glands (Sjögren's Syndrome; 2 cases) and brain (2 cases).
A number of salient aspects dominated in all affected tissues of all cases:
- Inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endothelitis), characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen;
- the extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes;
- a massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissue with T-lymphocytes.
"This combination of multifocal, T-lymphocyte-dominated pathology that clearly reflects the process of immunological self-attack is without precedent," write Burkhardt and outspoken Thai-German microbiologist Sucharit Bhakdi, MD. "Because vaccination was the single common denominator between all cases, there can be no doubt that it was the trigger of self-destruction in these deceased individuals."
If true, the findings are truly alarming. However, it must be stressed that the Burkhardt et al findings have not yet been presented in pre-print form, let alone peer-reviewed and published. Hopefully that will happen soon, although it is unclear whether they do intend to publish the findings.
But even leaving the Burkhardt et al findings to the side, the autopsy research published thus far strongly indicates that the new COVID gene therapies are far deadlier than what our corrupt, pharma-funded authorities are willing to let on.
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