A Message to the ‘Vaccinated’: You Got Screwed (Part 2)

May 28, 2022 Anthony Colpo 0

The clinical trial evidence is clear: COVID ‘vaccines’ do not save a single life. And the real world evidence resoundingly shows the ‘vaccines’ are neither safe nor effective. New revelations from Argentina further underscore the lengths Pfizer-sponsored researchers will go to in order to convince us otherwise.

FDA Asks Court for 55 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Data

November 20, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

Pfizer refuses to allow independent observers access to its full COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ trial data until at least 2025 – and even then it imposes strict conditions on who will be allowed to view the data. Now the FDA has joined in on the obfuscation, asking a court to allow it an absurd 55 years to fully release documents pertaining to its approval of Pfizer’s mRNA drug.

More People Died in Pfizer’s COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Trial than What the Company Originally Claimed

November 19, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

Back in July, Pfizer researchers released death data from the hastily unblinded clinical trial of its its COVID ‘vaccine.’ Despite the death rate being marginally higher in the ‘vaccine’ group, sleazy media outlets and dishonest bureaucrats continue to claim the drug is safe, effective and saves lives. New information contained in a recently posted FDA document reveals the death rate among Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ group was even worse than what they originally let on.

Italian Data Shows 97% of “COVID” Deaths Involved People With Underlying Health Conditions

November 19, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

Recent data out of Italy shows that 97% of so-called “COVID” deaths in that country involved people with underlying health conditions. The data also shows that the ‘vaccine’ rollout in Italy has been a big fat fail. Prior to the rollout, the average age of an Italian ‘COVID’ death actually exceeded the nation’s average life expectancy; now it dramatically falls short.