The Bangladesh Mask Study is Back, and it Shows Just How Far Science Has Fallen

February 27, 2022 Anthony Colpo 0

Instead of being relegated to the scrap heap of junk science history – where it belongs – the terrible Bangladesh Mask Study has just been published in Science. To unsuspecting readers, this suggests the study was a quality endeavour able to pass one of the world’s most demanding peer-review processes. In this article, I explain why nothing could be further from the truth.

Replying to Dishonest Attacks on My Book “The Great Cholesterol Con”

February 26, 2022 Anthony Colpo 0

Given the contrarian nature of much of my content, I don’t expect everyone to like me or my work. However, using half-truths, outright lies and personal attacks to discredit me or anyone else with the temerity to go against the grain is not cool. Today, I sink my teeth into the two 1-star reviews of The Great Cholesterol Con that appear on

COVID-19: Face Masks are Not Only Useless, But Harmful (Part 3)

December 4, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

There is so much nonsense being spouted in support of masks that, for the first time ever on, I will have to do a Part 4. In this instalment, I will return to the inefficacy of masks in preventing influenza and ‘COVID’ infections. I’ll explain why outfits like the CDC who claim masks are effective are shameless liars who carefully hand-pick their evidence, dismissing or turning a blind eye to the abundant non-supportive research.

FDA Asks Court for 55 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Data

November 20, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

Pfizer refuses to allow independent observers access to its full COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ trial data until at least 2025 – and even then it imposes strict conditions on who will be allowed to view the data. Now the FDA has joined in on the obfuscation, asking a court to allow it an absurd 55 years to fully release documents pertaining to its approval of Pfizer’s mRNA drug.

More People Died in Pfizer’s COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Trial than What the Company Originally Claimed

November 19, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

Back in July, Pfizer researchers released death data from the hastily unblinded clinical trial of its its COVID ‘vaccine.’ Despite the death rate being marginally higher in the ‘vaccine’ group, sleazy media outlets and dishonest bureaucrats continue to claim the drug is safe, effective and saves lives. New information contained in a recently posted FDA document reveals the death rate among Pfizer’s ‘vaccine’ group was even worse than what they originally let on.