BREAKING NEWS: Taubes’ Own Study Shows Insulin-Obesity Theory is False!

May 3, 2016 Anthony Colpo 0

For years, low-carb author Gary Taubes has been belittling and snidely dismissing those who disagree with his nonsensical claims about carbs, insulin and obesity. A couple of days ago, at an obesity conference in Canada, researchers announced the results of yet another metabolic ward study debunking Taubes’ claims. But this was no ordinary ward study – it was a study that Taubes himself helped conceive!

Trigon VCS06: The Best Road Bike Saddle in the World?

September 21, 2015 Anthony Colpo 0

If you told me 12 months ago the most comfortable road bike saddle I’d ever try would be 100% carbon, have absolutely no padding, weigh a crazy-light 77 grams, and cost less than $200 … well, I would have thought you were either yanking my chain or just plain crazy. But it’s true – there is a saddle out there that possesses each and every one of these qualities. Folks, meet the Trigon VCS06.

Carry On, Morons

July 13, 2015 Anthony Colpo 0

Congratulations people, on being so incredibly dumb and gullible. Those after your money and freedom are so proud of you!