The Appalling Science and Conflicts of Interest Behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine

February 6, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

Just like the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine has been rushed to market without thorough testing. The partial research used to support its approval is a bad joke, and the researchers and regulators who have unleashed this drug upon us are riddled with conflicts of interest. And like all its multinational drug peers, AstraZeneca has a long and shameful corporate rap sheet.

Can Vitamin D Prevent and Treat COVID-19?

January 15, 2021 Anthony Colpo 0

Numerous clinical trials have shown vitamin D supplementation is very effective in preventing acute respiratory tract infections – without the side effects of vaccines. Preliminary evidence suggests vitamin D is also effective in ameliorating COVID-19 infections.

Australia: Leading the World in COVID-19 Bullshit

November 22, 2020 Anthony Colpo 0

Thanks to the global scam that is COVID-19, Australia has been transformed back into a giant, dystopian prison island. The rapid onset of totalitarianism here in Australia should serve as a dire warning to the rest of the world not to succumb to the preorchestrated coronavirus hysteria.